6. A Dangerous Dinner

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Hotch sat back in his chair as he read over the case file. The team had settled into a hotel for the evening after a long day.
Hotch couldn't pinpoint any way of finding the unsub.
The team and him were sure it was a man between the ages of 20-35. Most cult leaders had to have a sense of youth, knowledge and strength to them.

He had to be charming, a smooth talker and had excellent people skills to be able to not only lead a cult, but to quickly convince his victims to join him was a strength he had too.

It had been three days since the newest victim, Y/N, had gone missing. And he sincerely hoped that you had not given in.
There was a knock on room door and Morgan poked his head in.
"Hey Hotch, the team and I are heading out for dinner. Would you like to join?"

"No, I think I'll stay back and go over the files again," he said rubbing his eyes.
"Hotch, you've got to give yourself a break. All you've had is like four cups of coffee today. You need to eat." Morgan stated. "None of are no good to the team if we're low on fumes."

Hotch sighed internally. He knew that tomorrow would be a long day of interviewing and even hiking through the area the cabin was spotted. Emily and JJ had joined them a few hours ago and they were joining in the search along with the police department.

"Come on Hotch, let's get something to eat," Morgan pushed. "I'll help you look over the files of the women when we get back."
Hotch nodded and set the files down.
He'd need more help if he was going to try to find even an image of the man who kidnapped the women if he wanted to save all five of them on time.

Reid grimaced as he drank his Coors Light beer.
"We're in Colorado pretty boy," Morgan teased. "You've got to enjoy their beer."

"Yes well, last time I was in Colorado I didn't enjoy anything." Reid responded, looking at Emily who silently agreed.
"Morgan, did you order Rocky Mountain Oysters?" Rossi said raising his eyebrows.
"Yeah, why?" Morgan asked.
JJ laughed, "do you even know what those are Derek?"
Before Morgan could respond Reid stood up and walked to the bathroom.
Hotch watched him go and saw as the young agent played with his hands.

"It's hard..." Emily started. "He still blames himself for what happened to me."
"Why?" JJ asked.
"He feels he should have taken the beating, not me. But I wouldn't have let that happen." Emily said firmly. "I could take it."
"Maybe he feels he could have too," Rossi said, drinking from his wine and then making a face of distaste.
"Perhaps, but I could deal with it. I needed him to focus on the case." Emily said and went back to eating.

Hotch knew that Reid had trouble sometimes with his competence on the field. His mind was genius, but there was a time when he had trouble shooting, and didn't kick doors down like Morgan or take beatings like Emily.

"I'll be right back," Hotch said as he stood and left his napkin on the table.
Sure enough, Hotch found Reid at the back of the restaurant outside the bathroom. He stood by a mirror and a table with bison sculptures on it.

"Hey, you alright Reid?" Hotch asked.
Reid gulped and put his hands in his pocket. "Yeah. It's just, hard to know? To be here and try not to see or relive what happened."
Hotch didn't say anything, only listened.
"I know it's been about three years but that still doesn't help," Reid said with a little laugh. "I can still see Emily. The way she looked after he..."
His voice cut off and he took a deep breath.
"You know, after everything I've seen and experienced, I thought things like this wouldn't get to me anymore."

"You're a person Reid," Hotch said in his collected voice. "You're not a robot. We know better than anyone that returning to places where we suffered traumatic experiences bring up these memories."
Reid nodded. Hotch knew he understood, but it was one thing to understand and listen, another to experience it.

"How are you though?" Reid asked. "It's been two years."
Hotch took in a deep breath.
Haley. Two years since his ex wife and mother of his child had been killed.
Hotch still had loved her deeply, but the way his life and job was put her and Jack in so much danger.

At the end, she had suffered the consequences of his job.

"I'm ok," Hotch said. "Some days are harder than others."
Reid nodded, knowing he shouldn't press for more information. So he changed the subject.

"Do you think we'll find them?" He asked.
"I hope so."
"What if we don't? Or can't right now? The Rocky Mountains are large. It measures up to-"
"Reid.." Hotch warned with a small smile.
"You're right, sorry."
"No I don't mind," Hotch said. "I just don't want you to convince yourself that it'll be too hard before we even really started."
"I know. It's just that-"

But before Reid could continue, there was screaming and things crashing at the front of the restaurant.
"HOTCH GET OVER HERE!" Morgan shouted.

When both Reid and Hotch returned to where they were sitting, they saw the team with their guns out and a body in Morgan's arms.
It was a young woman dressed in a pale blue dress but there was blood on it and her arms were scratched up.

"It's her," Morgan said, cradling the girl in his arms. "It's Y/N."

"Emily, follow me," Rossi commanded as they both exited the restaurant with their guns drawn.
JJ looked to Hotch. "There were tires screeching outside and in a second she bursted through the doors."
Reid looked at the things that had been toppled over and broken before JJ spoke up again.
"She was running but her balance is off. Good thing Derek caught her before she hit her head on a table."

Hotch quickly went to Morgan's side as Reid and JJ settled the other customers who were watching with wide eyes.
He kneeled next to Morgan who was holding the trembling woman and spoke softly.
"Y/N, I'm Special Agent Aaron Hotchner. We're from the FBI."
Hotch heard sobs and you clutched even more to Morgan.
"We're al here to help," Hotch continued. "Can you please tell us what happened?"

You slowly nod and turn to him. You felt your body hurt as you moved and felt the blood dripping from your clothes.

You were hyper aware of your surroundings, ready to run at any given moment if you felt danger.

But what you didn't notice is that when you made eye contact with Agent Hotchner from the FBI, his body seemed to freeze and his dark eyes filled with an emotion even he couldn't describe.

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