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Enids POV

I step into my room, trying to control my breathing as I just went for a run. I look to the side as I spot Wednesdays things. As I feel something crawling up my back I try to get it off. I turn to my side and see thing. I throw my hands out and hug him like a baby. I surely did miss him.

Then I spot her. I am met with her obsidian eyes staring at my stomach. I snap my fingers indicating that my eyes are up here. She quickly locks eye contact with me as I smile.

Enid: "Well if it isn't WEDNESDAY Addams."

Wednesday: "Hello Enid"

Enid squeals as she runs up to Wednesday placing thing on the bed. I sit on the side of Wednesday's bed closest to her.

Enid: "I have missed you so much you have no idea."

Wednesday just stares at me like I have 4 heads but I understand. She doesn't show emotion. I know deep down she misses me too.

Enid: "So how was your break? What did you guys do? Did you travel? Did you write more?"

Wednesday: "Enid, you are asking far too many questions. If you could relax and ask one at a time."

I place my hand on Wednesdays shin leaning on it for comfort.

Enid: "We'll I'll start with this question first, how was your bre-."

Wednesday: "Times up, it is my writing time now, if you'll excuse me I must write. You know how this works."

Wednesday pushed my hand off of her shin as she stood up and sat back down in her chair. She began to type.

Enid: "But Wednesday we barely got to talk cmon."

Wednesday: "Enid stop begging and be quiet I'm writing."

Enid: "Ugh your no fun, I'm going to take a shower."

I walk over to my bed and grab my towel throwing it over my shoulder. I open the door and take a shower.

Wednesdays POV

As I am typing I can only hear the water running and all I'm thinking about is Enids touch on my leg. I look to my side and see thing staring at me. I can tell he think he knows something.

Wednesday: "Why are you looking at me like that."

Thing: "Do you like someone."

Wednesday: "No, now why do you ask."

Thing: "Just wondering."

Wednesday: "Yes you do that a lot."

As thing comes and sits on my desk. There was a sudden knock at the door. Me and thing make eye contact as I check my watch. "2:33pm"

I scoff as I get up and turn the knob. Opening the door a crack. I am met with a tall muscular man. Black hair slicked back using lots of gel. He was wearing a lime green outfit with some black in it.

Wednesday: "Yes."

Walt: "Hello I am Walt I am new and cannot seem to find my room would you be willing to help."

Wednesday: "No."

I try to slam the door in his face, he sticks his arm up not letting me close it.

Wednesday: "Let go."

Walt: "No."

I watch as he barged into the room. He got on top of me and sank his deep claws into my back. As his tail grew it knocked over some of Enids things making lots of noise.

I felt myself get lightheaded as I blacked out.

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