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Wednesday POV

As I arrive at Walt's dorm I head inside. I quickly pull the body out and turn it over inspecting the body for tattoos. I finally come across a tattoo. The same one described from the book. A circle with a claw inside it.

I place the body back under the bed as I quickly tried to leave. As I opened the door I was met with Walt standing in front of me.

Walt: "So your the one who has my book."

Wednesday: "Maybe."

I say with my emotions less angry stare. He grabs me by the throat picking me up and throwing me at the wall. I quickly get up and try to avoid him. As I almost make my way to the door. He grabs my ankle pulling me back in. He moves his hands up to my back and picks me up. I begin choking not being able to breathe.

Luckily I have a flashlight in my hand. I pound his scull with the flashlight. He drops me as I fall to the ground trying to catch my breath. He gets up again and punches me in the face. He continued to punch me. I felt my lip bleed as I could taste the blood. I couldn't take anymore. I hit him with my flashlight again in the face. The glass on the flashlight broke tearing into the flesh on his face. I watch as he falls back fainting. I stand up slowly walking towards the door. My wound was in lots of pain after being thrown around. I eventually make my way all the way back to our dorm. I open the door. Suddenly everything goes black as I faint.

Enids POV

I don't look up when I hear the door open. But then I hear a loud thump. This worries me as I look up to see Wednesday lying on the floor bleeding out of her mouth and her lower back. I quickly run over to her. I pick her up as I lay her on my bed. I don't care if my blankets get blood on them they can be washed or replaced. Wednesday can't. I begin to take off her clothes knowing she would hate this. I take off all her tops leaving her in pants and a bra. I quickly scan her body seeing bruises all over her face, and red hand marks wrapped around her neck.

She still isn't awake yet. I turn her body over to where she is laying on her stomach. I try to be as gentle as possible because I really do care for her, I don't want to hurt her. I want to know who did this to her. I inspect her back seeing multiple bruises forming and her wound bandage is ripped as you can see her wound. I take action fast as I peel off the bandage and clean the wound. As I'm cleaning I feel her body twitch and jerk to my touch. I quickly gaze at her face. I see her eyes twitch as they slowly open.

Enid: "OMG WEDNESDAY, oh how I missed those eyes."

Wednesday: "Enid please stop yelling, my head is already pounding."

I watch as wednesday tries to sit up. I slowly push her back onto the bed. Being as gentle as possible.

Enid: "No Wednesday you are not leaving this bed until you get cleaned up, and also not until you tell me what the hell happened."

Wednesday: "Enid I'm laying on color I can't."

Enid: "Wednesday I said no."

Wednesday: "Fine."

I watch as Wednesday gives into my touch as slowly lies back down. I can tell she is in a lot of pain by just her movements, she's moving slower than normal. As I finish her back wound I wrap it. I grab and ice pack and place the coldness onto her back bruises.

Wednesday: "Enid that's very cold."

Enid: "It's supposed to be."

I put my hand on Wednesdays head as I touch her head she flinched. I pull my hand away as I spot blood on it.

Enid: "What the hell happened back there?"

Wednesday: "I'll tell you later, not right now please."

I stare into her eyes as she said please. I thought that was so adorable. I give her my puppy eyes. I walk to grab my chair. I place it by my bed as I sit down. I begin to go through her hair cleaning up the dry blood and the wound. Her hair feels so nice and smooth, almost flawless. I get a little carried away as I start to play with her hair. I eventually realize that she fell asleep. I take my hands off as I lay on the rug next to her and slowly drift off to sleep.

Wednesday POV

I begin to wake up. As I check Enids alarm clock "12:00 am" I grunt as I begin to try and stand up. My head still pounding from before. As I stand up I feel my legs fail me as I fall right on top of something. I look down to see Enid awake staring at me.

Enid: "Wednesday what are you doing up, and why are you out of bed?"

Wednesday: "Couldn't sleep."

I look down and see the position we are in. My legs are in between Enids and my hands are a over her head as I am pretty much straddling her.  I try to get up but she pulls me back down.

Wednesday: "Enid what are you doing?"

Enid: "Just relax and let me take care of you."

I sit there as I stare at Enid I feel her begin to sit up as she put her hands around my waist picking me up. She walks over towards my bed still holding me. She sits on my bed and lays down. I am still on top of her but she holds me there. She grabs the covers placing it around us. I try to get out of her grip but she drags me back. I eventually just let her win. I place my head onto her chest and snuggle her. My legs wrap around hers. I feel her begin to play with my hair. It feels very good. I move my face up to look at her. She stares at me with a smile. I watch as she brings her hand up to my lips. She rubs her thumb on my bottom lip caressing it.

Enid: "You had some blood on your lips."

I place my head back down in embarrassment as I feel spiders start to crawl around in my stomach. I feel the saliva in my mouth begin to roll around my tongue. I get this strange feeling every time Enid physically touches me. I move up bringing my face into her neck as I lay there. She plays with my hair as she massages my head. It feels so good I want to faint. I pull my head back up to face hers. I wanted to see her reaction as I do this. I move my hands up her shirt touching her stomach. I make my way to her bra as I stop. Enids face is bright red I can't see it but I can feel it. I leave my hands there as I eventually fall asleep in her arms forgetting about my surroundings.

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