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Wednesdays POV

I awake from Enid's bed. I slowly pull the sheets off me as I stand up. I decide to check the time. "9:45pm". I go to my laundry basket to grab my lucky sweatshirt. I open the basket to see it's not there. I search everywhere for it. It's nowhere. I watch as thing comes out so I decide to ask him if he knows anything.

Wednesday: "Thing do you know where my lucky sweatshirt is?"

Thing: "Yes."

Wednesday: "We'll where is it?"

Thing: "Fine, Enid came in here. She kissed you on the forehead and grabbed a sweatshirt out of your dirty clothes."

Wednesday: "So she has my sweatshirt."

Thing: "Did you hear anything I said."

Wednesday: "Yes?"


Wednesday: "Oh, now why would she do that."

Thing: "Omg I'm just gonna tell you, don't get upset okay."

Wednesday: "Why would I get upset, are you sure you want to tell me or should I hear it from Enid."

Thing: "You know what I'll just leave it to Enid."

I look at thing as he runs back under the bed. I don't know what he does under there but it is oddly weird why he goes down there so much. I need my sweatshirt. I have to go get it from Enid. I walk out of my dorm and go to Ajax's dorm. I knock on the door. It opens to Ajax standing at the door.

Ajax: "Hey Wednesday what do you want."

Wednesday: "Where's Enid I need to speak with her."

Ajax: "Um she doesn't want to talk right now."

Wednesday: "Don't lie to me where is she. I'm not afraid to chop a liars finger off."

Ajax: "Okay fine, chill. She's right there."

He opens the door more to where I can see Enid. She has her back to me, she's sitting in his chair. She is wearing my sweatshirt but there's something on it. I walk into Ajax's room without being invited. As I get closer I see egg stains on my sweatshirt.

Wednesday: "Enid what happened."

I watch as she turns the chair around to face me. I could tell she had been crying. My face lights up with anger. I see a big dark bruise along her eye. Also lots of bruises around her neck area. I turn to look at Ajax with anger.

Wednesday: "Ajax did you do this."

Ajax: "What no I swear, I would never."

I begin stepping closer to him as I pull out a knife.

Enid: "Wednesday stop, it wasn't him. I want to go back to our dorm. Then I'll tell you what happened."

I place the knife back in my blazer. I give Ajax one more cold stare before I grab Enid's things and leave. As we walk back it is silent, I look over to her a couple of times and I see the same sad expression less face, which is not like Enid at all.

Once we make it to the dorm, I open it for her as she walks inside, I follow behind. I place her things by her bed as she sits on her bed. I grab my chair. I place it in front of her. As I sit, I watch as she tries not to look at me.

Wednesday: "What happened."

Enid: "So, last night after I left our dorm. I heard a noise outside so I went out to check. I got egged by my fellow werewolf's. They egged me because I couldn't turn."

I watch as Enid's eye start to flood with tears. I stand up and place my chair back by my desk. She watches me while still crying. I begin to get into my bed as I pay my chest. I watch as Enid's tears immediately stop. She runs over.

Enid: "Omg really."

Wednesday: "Hurry before I change my mind."

I watch as that smile appears on her face again. She climbs into bed with me and lays on my chest. I begin to embrace her warmth by running my hands up and down her back. I put my hands in her hair as I started to massage it. I watch as thing turns all the lights off leaving the room dark and quiet. The only thing I can hear is her muffled breaths.

Enid: "Wednesday can I ask you something."

Wednesday: "Enlighten me."

Enid: "So Yoko is having a party an-."

Wednesday: "Enid if you are implying that I should go with you to the party, then my answer is no."

Enid: "What why cmon it will be fun."

Wednesday: "Enid no."

Enid: "There's not gonna be a lot of people there plus there's drinks and food."

Wednesday: "Exactly food or drinks that could be spiked no thanks."

Enid: "Please wednesday come on I'll do anything for you if you go."

Wednesday: "Anything?"

Enid: "Anything."

If she'll do anything, then that will be an easy way to fix problems.

Wednesday: "Fine."

Enid: "Yes, yes it will be so much fun.

I lay there as I feel our hearts beat in sync. I feel her breaths start to slow down as she eventually falls asleep. I begin to slowly drift off as well, I give in and fall asleep.

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