2. Alessandro

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"Come on, slut. Cum on my c*ck. Show me how much you love having your master fuck you like a wh*re. How much you love when I cum in your tiny c*nt. How badly you want me to breed you like a fucking animal."

I gasped awake, nearly knocking my head on the bunk above me as I bolted upright.

That dream again. Fuck.

Ever since I'd been locked up, my thoughts had been consumed by her. Every dream. Every nightmare. Every fantasy. Every smile. Every tear.

Every moment of blind rage.


It seemed incomprehensible that I'd spent the last 3 years without hearing her voice, intertwining myself in her smooth, endlessly long legs, dominating her, owning her, and coming completely undone inside of her at every opportunity.

At first, I had hope.

I knew she was smart—she'd proven that to me early on in our marriage, when she managed to escape to the health department. She'd managed that even without having access to her phone or a computer, and without any outside help.

But I thought I'd thought of everything. I'd kept her isolated, put a tracker in her wedding ring, kept her in chastity belts or with plugs up her ass, bound her in a prenup that had essentially sentenced her to a lifetime with me, fucked her to the point that she could barely walk or talk.

And I'd gotten her pregnant!

At first, I told myself that there was no way she'd gotten far. Lara tracked her ring, hoping she'd been unaware of the tracker and had maybe decided to pawn it. It led her to a random highway.

A $4, ooo, ooo ring, discarded on the side of the road like worthless trash.

I went back through her phone, trying to see if I'd somehow missed an interaction or if she'd been speaking in code to anyone. I called her friends and family, hoping they'd be worried enough to set aside our differences and help me locate her. They'd all been less than helpful, with Jade and Ebony being downright hostile. In fact, despite their obvious worry, they sounded almost giddy that she'd disappeared.

Jeff (my private investigator) had decided to retire after his daughter's wedding, and he expedited his retirement date after my arrest. He actually believed the charges against me—due to his indirect involvement in capturing Aria— and no longer wished to be associated with me.

His only advice was to pay attention to the people closest to me.

Lara was clearly scared shitless, distraught that her brief moment of leniency had led to my most prized possession slipping through her fingers. I'd made her life hell, following her confession after I'd been released from jail.

Screaming, thinly veiled threats against her and her loved ones, hours of interrogation backed by my burly body guards. She was downright petrified, and rightly so.

But it soon became apparent that she knew nothing. Even after hours without food or water, with her life on the line, she'd repeated the same answers and the same story she'd tearfully told me on the phone: she looked everywhere, she knew nothing, but Aria was definitely gone.

I finally promised her forgiveness and leniency if she agreed to helping me find Aria—and my child—while I fought the false charges. My accounts had been frozen and my company nearly went under amidst the investigations and chaos, but I had powerful people on my side who worked tirelessly to make sure I didn't lose everything.

And those very same people could easily make Lara's life hell, if she failed me again.

But who else had failed me?

Hide and Seek: Married to My Master Part 2Where stories live. Discover now