20. Aria

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The rest of the weekend actually went really well. Rurik and I spent quality time with Daniel, going to the park, museum, making meals together and watching movies. Daniel seemed so much calmer and happier, and I had a feeling there wouldn't be anymore problems at school. It felt like we were a real family.

Rurik and I didn't have sex Saturday night, and his touches were gentle and comforting again. We did actually have sex Sunday night, but I initiated it. And to my surprise and delight, we made slow, sweet, passionate love. He kissed me softly and didn't leave anymore marks on my body, and despite the size of his...third leg...I didn't even wake up too sore the next morning.

On Monday, Rurik woke up extra early to go work out, and then came back a few minutes after my alarm clock went off. When I walked out to the kitchen with Daniel on my hip, there were takeout bags on the counter.

Rurik was sitting on one of the stools, sipping his morning tea. He held out his hand towards the food. "I grabbed some breakfast for us after I went to the gym. I'm going to go take a quick shower, and then we can take Daniel to school, ok?"

I smiled gratefully and set Daniel down, so I could fix him a plate. Rurik started walking towards his bedroom, pausing quickly to lightly grab my behind. I giggled and swatted his hand away, and then a thought occurred to me.

Today was Monday. I had school, but Rurik usually worked on Mondays. We would be on opposite sides of town, so it didn't really make sense to carpool. I needed my own car so I could pick up Daniel from school after class. I jogged a little towards the bedroom to catch up to him before he got in the shower.

"Hey, Rurik, I'll just drive Daniel to school before I go to class. You usually work on Mondays, right?" He pulled off his sweatshirt and then slid his workout pants down, not paying me any attention. For a second, I wondered if he'd heard me.

But then he looked up and smiled. "Yeah, so...I actually drove your car back to your old apartment this morning. I figured you wouldn't need it since I have a car, and it would save you money on parking fees." I stepped back, a little stunned.

I mean, yeah...paying for parking everyday was going to add up. And we had public transportation, and Rurik had a vehicle...but he hadn't even asked me. How was I supposed to pick Daniel up from school?

"Rurik, but...you didn't even talk to me about this. I'm the only person on the pick up list for Daniel's school. I don't mind taking a bus to go get him, but what if it runs late or... I don't know. I just...prefer to have my own car, just in case..."

Rurik seemed entirely unbothered as he removed his boxers. I refused to look down, not wanting to give him any ideas while I was trying to have a serious conversation with him. "I'll pick you up from class and then we'll go pick up Daniel, ok? Today is my last day of work anyways."

"Wait, what? You quit??" How were we supposed to pay bills if he wasn't working anymore? And when did this even happen?

He nodded confidently and walked closer to me, placing his hands on my waist. "I put in my notice on Saturday. I spoke to my parents and told them everything that's going on. We're all pretty concerned about you and Daniel, and we both have finals coming up soon. So they agreed that I should focus on finishing school and protecting my family."

Your family??

His hand was creeping closer and closer to my inner thigh, and I squirmed uncomfortably. This was definitely not the time for sex.

"Rurik, that's really kind of you and your family. And I appreciate it. I do. Really. But you need to talk to me about these things. Please just..don't do anything like this again, without talking to me first?" His wayward hand suddenly cupped my pussy, and he tugged me closer. His naked erection poked my clothed skin, and he leaned forward to look me directly in the eyes.

Hide and Seek: Married to My Master Part 2Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz