25. Alessandro

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I paced up and down the hallway, debating whether I needed to leave and come back later, or maybe wait for one of the sisters to leave so I could...request some help. I'd spend the whole night requesting help from all three of them if that's what it took to get Aria and Daniel on my plane. I was getting really tired of fucking—requesting help—with condoms on, and I really had no desire to waste the load I was saving up for Aria.

But I was determined that I wouldn't be leaving without my family this time, so I was willing to make that sacrifice.

My phone chimed with a text from Lara right when the apartment door swung open.

Aria stood in the doorway, looking shaken up, her flawless face streaked with tears. I gave her my best empathetic expression and stood silently, waiting for her to tell me to come in...or for her to grab our son and leave with me.

"Uh...can you please...come in? I just want to find out more about what happened. Do you know how they're doing now? Any updates?" I shrugged helplessly and shook my head sadly. I didn't come here to give a press conference, and I truly didn't care about how her parents were doing, so I hadn't asked for updates.

I glanced at my phone to read the text from Lara: "Aria's parents are fine, so no rush. Tell her to take a public plane, so she'll feel comfortable, and I'll have the paparazzi meet you all at the airport entrance."

I read it aloud to Aria, "Lara just text me, 'Aria's parents aren't doing well. Tell her to take a public plane, if she'll feel more comfortable, but it would be faster if she flew with you.'"

More tears spilled down Aria's face as she ushered me inside the penthouse. Rurik stood just a few feet away from the door, with Daniel in his arms and his sisters surrounding him. His face was stony as he tracked my movements; his sisters looked both horny and concerned. I smirked at them before turning my attention to Daniel, who looked scared.

I frowned and turned back to Aria. "Malia, please just let me take you back to California. I'll stay away from you on my jet. I came here to try to see if I could spend time with my son—again—when Lara told me about your parents. I'm more than willing to head back right now."

"No way. Malia, don't. If we wait another few days, we can book a flight and I can come with you to California. After finals. Don't get on a plane with him. Please," that fuckface Rurik gritted out with a clenched jaw.

Aria appeared to be in deep thought, her brow wrinkled and more tears lining her hazel eyes. She shook her head sadly before looking up at him. I swear I saw a flash of anger cross her features, but then it turned back to sadness.

"Rurik, I can't wait! My parents aren't doing well! I don't want to miss my finals or graduation, either, but I'm sure there are exceptions for emergencies. I just...I'll...look up some flights..." Her voice trailed off at the end as she began typing wildly into her search engine.

Please find nothing.

I could feel Rurik's angry glare on me as I watched Aria. Had he and I been alone, I had no doubt I would have stabbed him by now. But I couldn't risk scaring Aria, Daniel or even Rurik's sisters... Just in case I needed their help later.

So I did my best to ignore Rurik and focus on Aria, who looked distressed as she swiped furiously on her phone.

"Everything has long layovers! What the hell!!! What if I don't make it on time?!" She looked despondent as she tapped her fingers on the screen and swiped desperately. Her chin quivered and I knew she was trying her best not to start bawling. Daniel watched her closely, tears brimming in his large eyes.

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