18. Alessandro

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I woke up the next morning to a pounding headache. It felt like someone was beating my head with a sledgehammer. I cradled my head in my arms, trying to keep the pounding at bay, but it only worsened. It was so bad, I could actually hear it.

"Mr. DeSantos! It's me, Lara! Is everything alright??" I heard faintly from behind my hotel room door. Followed by more pounding.


I stumbled out of bed, still fully dressed in my crumpled outfit from yesterday, and eventually made my way to the door. Lara peeked her head inside cautiously, as if she was afraid she was disturbing me. I rolled my eyes, annoyed.

If I was in here fucking someone, she'd be able to hear it.

"Lara, what do you want? Why are you waking me up so fucking early?" She gave me a concerned look that was almost maternal and slowly said, "Sir...it's nearly 11. I've been trying to reach you since 8. You never sleep in this late..." I opened the door wider and stepped back, allowing her to come in and see the scattered alcohol bottles everywhere. Her mouth dropped open as she looked around, and then she looked back at me with pity.

I glared at her and then sat back down on the bed to cradle my throbbing head. "Lara, don't ever fucking look at me like I'm a fucking wounded baby bird again. I had a rough night, but I'm fine. I'm still going to stick to the plan... I just don't particularly enjoy the thought of Aria and Daniel living with...that boy." She nodded sympathetically and then awkwardly sat down on the small couch in the lounge area.

"That's completely understandable, sir. I know none of this is easy for you. But like I said last night on the phone, I'm doing my best to put the next part of our plan in motion, so Aria should be coming back to California in a few weeks. I just need to make sure it's all planned meticulously and that nobody will be implicated in anything." I still had no idea what the fuck she was talking about, and her voice was making my headache worse.

"Great, awesome. That doesn't help me right now, while that motherfucker is sharing a bed with my wife, but great. Hopefully she won't get knocked up before she comes back home." I sighed loudly, trying to debate whether I should start drinking again or just go back to sleep.

I glanced at my phone and vaguely remembered that I'd called Lara last night. I needed to know whether she'd located Melody. "Lara, have you found Melody yet?" I blinked a few times to clear my still-hazy vision and looked up at her.

She looked confused. "Uh...no? We've been trying to locate her for a while, sir, but she keeps bouncing around. I haven't tried to locate her again since we came to Iceland... Why?"

What the fuck did she mean "why"??? Maybe because that bitch ruined my fucking life?

"Lara, what do you mean why? What the fuck were you doing last night when I called? Whose voice was that in the background?" She tensed and her face paled. She gulped nervously and opened her mouth to answer before shutting it again. Now she looked puzzled.

"There was nobody in my room last night when you called. Not yet, at least..." Her face turned bright red, and my eyebrows practically shot up to my hairline.

I spent the night drinking myself into oblivion while Lara was getting railed. Nice.

"What do you mean by "not yet"? Who was in your room eventually?" I didn't usually care to know the intimate details of most of my employees' personal lives, and nothing about Lara interested me, so I really didn't know who or what she was into. But I remembered noting on multiple occasions that she'd make a great sub for someone, so my curiosity was piqued.

Still blushing brightly, she muttered something. I tilted my head towards her and cupped my ear. "What was that??"

She covered her face with her hands and mumbled, "Chris. Chris from the security team...slept over. And that's all I'm going to say."

And that's all I needed to know.

I was closer to Chris than I was to most of the others on the security team, so I knew he was a kinky motherfucker. I had no doubts that he'd tapped into Lara's submissive side. Tapped...and probably whipped and choked.


"Well...I'm happy for you, Lara. And Chris. Good for you both." She smiled awkwardly and absentmindedly rubbed her neck, which I now realized had some faint red marks. Classic Chris.

"But I swear I heard a female voice in the background last night, and Chris definitely does not sound like a female." Lara shook her head and shrugged. "I don't know? I had the tv on when we spoke, but I had it on mute. I have no idea what you heard."

But I know I heard someone talking to her.

"Lara, I mean the second time I called. Right before I passed out. Was that before or after Chris came over?" I really hoped she hadn't accepted my call while he was fucking her. I wouldn't be surprised if he brought a girl along to spice things up, but even I could respect the need for some boundaries.

"I don't know, he came over around midnight. But I didn't talk to you a second time. Just the one time, when you told me how things went at your son's school...Are you sure you called me?"

Fuck. I was already completely trashed when I'd decided to call. Maybe I dialed the wrong number.

I reached for my phone and looked at the recent call list from yesterday. Lara's name was on there. But only from yesterday afternoon after my first confrontation with Aria at the pub and another from yesterday evening, when I checked into my room.

I saw red as I honed in on the first name on the recently called list.


I gritted my teeth and squeezed my phone tightly, and I looked up at Lara, who was still staring at me with a confused expression. I clenched my jaw, which she knew was my telltale sign that shit was about to hit the fan. She squirmed uncomfortably and whispered, "Sir...who did you call last night?"

I glared at her as I replied through clenched teeth, "Aria...Whose number I do not recall putting into my phone." Lara paled and her eyes widened. I could see her hands shaking.

"Sir, I-I thought you'd appreciate having—"

I held up my hand to cut her off. "Lara, why the FUCK would you put ARIA'S name in my phone under MALIA? I didn't even know you put her number in here! But now she knows it. She probably thinks I was trying to harass her, Lara! And to be honest with you, now I probably will. How the hell did you even get her phone number??" She hunched her shoulders defensively and muttered, "Chris told me a couple of the guys were able to sneak into the break room at her job, and they were able to unlock her phone...her password was March 17, Daniel's birthday... Chris sent it to me under "Malia", so I...I didn't think. I put it in your phone under the same name. I completely forgot to tell you, sir. I'm sorry... But. What...what did you say to her on the phone...?"

I laid down on the bed and threw the covers over my head.

"Nothing, Lara," I sighed tiredly. "Just get the fuck out."

I just wanted to go home.

Hide and Seek: Married to My Master Part 2Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin