16. Alessandro

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After calmly driving away from the school, I called my head of security, Chris, to tell the guys to leave Aria's neighborhood. Of course, I'd have someone discreetly follow her to his place, but I wanted her to think I was really backing off.

I needed this fucking plan to work. Fast.

I told Chris that, after Aria was back in California and she and Daniel had moved into my house, he and the entire team could have a whole month off. In fact, all of my house staff would be getting a month off. Maybe even Lara.

I planned to celebrate her return for an entire month, and I wanted no witnesses around during the festivities.

Walking away after she informed me that I would not be allowed to see my son and that she was moving in with him was weirdly easy. I felt almost disconnected from my body, as I imagined shooting her soon-to-be roommate right in the head and then dragging Aria and Daniel away without a backwards glance or an ounce of remorse. Imagining how this would play out brought me immense peace, and it allowed me to calmly walk away.

Lara seemed extremely proud of me, after I returned to the hotel that evening and gave her a rundown of how the preschool situation had gone. She assured me that being nice was the best way to get Aria to come back, in addition to the plan we'd supposedly discussed earlier. She happily rambled on about how the plan was already in motion, and she was sure it would speed things up significantly.

I had no idea what she was talking about, and I didn't care right now. I ended the call while she was still talking. She'd have to catch me up later, when I could think clearly.

Right now, I just needed to fucking drink. I raided the mini bar, but those tiny bottles didn't last long. So I ordered an entire bottle of the first bourbon I saw on the room service menu. I didn't even care if it tasted good or whether it turned my esophagus to ashes.

If I didn't get completely shitfaced and pass out in the next 30 minutes, I would hunt Aria down and do something that would fuck everything up even more. It severely pissed me off that I had to watch myself around her now. The only times I'd ever let her have even a semblance of control between us were those few interactions before we were married.

She had turned into a spoiled brat over the last few years, looking me directly in my eyes while telling me no. While she was holding onto another man. She seemed to have forgotten what it was like to wear her chastity belts and what it felt like to have her ass filled with a fat plug when she left the house. And she obviously didn't recall my hands on her plump ass, landing harsh spanks that turned her gorgeous skin all kinds of interesting shades.

She needed to be reminded. Soon.

I wouldn't tolerate a brat. I enjoyed disciplining her, but we had a child now who might get concerned if he heard her screaming. Or if she disappeared in the basement for a few weeks for intense retraining. Her defiance would only make things harder for all of us, and I was dangerously close to snapping and taking a cab over to her new home.

...Except I couldn't, now that her family and friends knew that she'd ran away from me and probably knew more details about our relationship. I wasn't sure what her new roommate knew about me, or if he would even know how to contact her family if she disappeared, but I couldn't risk it. She had to come back willingly.


I threw my glass against the wall, feeling incrementally better as it exploded upon impact.

I'd seen the way he looked at her, the way he tried to "protect" her.

He was exactly like me.

A weaker, less attractive, less dominant version of me, of course. But he looked at her the way I looked at her: Like he wanted to own her. The poor fuck clearly had no idea that she was already owned, though, so he was probably going to try to claim her the second she fully surrendered herself to him.

Been there, done that.

It was hard to tell if his nice guy, hero persona was an act or not, but I doubted it would really matter once she was in his bed. I knew firsthand what a fucking cocktease Aria was, and I'd bet my entire company that this guy suffered from a chronic case of blue balls.

I'd lasted 2 months before I couldn't take her teasing anymore, and then I made damn sure that I never suffered from blue balls again, once she was married to me. This guy was a soft core version of me, though, and probably didn't have the balls to take her whenever he wanted. He had tried to come after me back at the preschool, but she told him to stop.

And he listened!

Either he was pussy whipped, or he was still waiting to get inside of her. Either way, I was painfully aware that everything between them would change once she lived under his roof. For once, I actually prayed she was on birth control. I took another giant swig of my drink. I felt like everything was out of control.

And I was not used to feeling like things were out of my control.

Even in prison, I'd quickly established that I was an alpha who could not be fucked with. I'd paid to be moved to a high-end prison, which allowed me my own fridge and only one cell mate. The pay-to-stay prison didn't have many violent offenders, so it wasn't very hard to establish my dominance.

And I had so much pent up anger, that I never hesitated to remind my fellow inmates that I wasn't the one to mess with.

The male guards quickly took notice and even began to show me more respect than they showed the other prisoners. The female guards eventually didn't even bother trying to hide the fact that we were fucking, which only gained me more respect.

It made me feel like I still had a modicum of control over my situation. But it didn't change the fact that my wife was still missing with my child. My corporation that I had built from the ground up was now in the hands of stock holders. The people at my new luxury apartments thought I was a criminal. My reputation was in shambles.

My control in prison had only been an illusion. In reality, I was still locked up. I was still fucking mediocre pussy with condoms on. Still missed Aria's pregnancy and didn't know my son. He didn't even know I existed.

And all of this was because of her.


I felt the alcohol hit me like a Mack truck, and I knew I was going to black out soon. Before that happened, I blindly fished around the bed for my cell phone. With bleary eyes, I searched my contact list and called Lara.

She took a while to pick up this time, and I thought I heard a female voice in the background. Feeling my eyes growing heavier, I slurred, "Lara....find Melody Jensen. She did this. This is all her fault."

I ended the call before she replied and closed my eyes, happily embracing the darkness.

Hide and Seek: Married to My Master Part 2Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora