Frye x female reader

521 7 4

Requested by @Evonne375

(N/N) = nickname

You and Frye have been friends ever since elementary. In your younger years you would go over to Frye's house to play games our make bracelets while discussing topics children around your age would usually talk about. You two were basically joined to the hip by how much you two spent time together.

But as time passed, your caretaker(s) dropped some heavy news on you as you sat down for dinner.
"(Y/N) we're moving." they didn't waste time in informing you as they stared aimlessly at their food but it was like a shockwave went past you as you dropped your utensil. "W-what?"
Your body went cold and began to shake. "Look honey it's for the be-"
"But why?!"
"(Y/N) calm down and listen I found a job that pays well and we'll be living better of over there." Your caretaker said in a calm voice hoping that their actions would mirror onto but that was only wishful thinking. "But I don't want to! I have a life here and I'm happy with it! Can't you see that?!"

"(Y/N) that is enough! I am not asking you if you want to live there, I am telling you we ARE going to live. Now stop acting like a child and behave, am I made clear girl?"

You couldn't take it anymore as you balled your hands into fists and scrunched your eyes do that tears wouldn't spill a rushed to the door and ran out. Ignoring your caretaker(s) shout your name for you to come back, you went to the only place where you would be at peace.

The starry night and peaceful atmosphere contrasted with my quick pace and my caretaker(s) screaming out my name as I ran to Frye's house. I can't believe this happening and I can't believe they would just say that without thinking about how I would feel!

Finally reaching the house I knocked repeatedly on the door before it was opened by one of Frye's siblings. "Is Frye home?!" I didn't mean to yell but I could tell I was loud because Frye's sibling winced at the volume of my voice. "Yeah... she's in her room right now." I rushed past them and made a beeline to her room.

And I guess she heard she opened the door and smiled at the sight of me. " (Y/N) what's up! Wait... are you okay?" She pulled me into her room and shut the door and gently pushed to sit on her bed. She pushed her knuckle on my face for a response and tried to get me to look at her. "(Y/N) please tell me what's wrong, I can't help you if you don't tell me." I couldn't take it anymore and started sobbing uncontrollably.

My eyes were blurry from the tears but I could tell Frye tensed up as she rushed to hug me. I started blabbering about how I didn't want to go but Frye just kept hugging me tight to her body.

After a while I calmed down and looked into her golden eyes. She had a face of worry, and now feel bad since I just came into her house and didn't even explain why I'm here. Finally wiping my eyes I told her the ordeal.



Your caretaker packed the last of your bags and closed the trunk. Your body felt heavy from all the tears you have been crying for the last few days as you trudged inside the car.

You were leaving your home.

You were leaving your favorite corner store.

You were leaving your school.

You were leaving...


As you realized this, you shot your head up from your glum position and shook your caretaker's shoulder. "Wait let me go see Frye real quick!" You said. Your caretaker just sighed while driving over to Frye's house.

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