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When Yue Itadori was born, the universe stopped a moment, stared down at the little bundle of pink and brown and GIRL, scratched its head, and went- "Huh. Whoops." She was, in fact, meant to be a boy. The universe did not decide to rectify this gender oopsie because, really, how different could it be?

As it turns out- the universe would be getting an ass kicking from Fate for not following in the guidelines because, well, it could in fact be a LOT DIFFERENT.

The Universe and Fate did NOT notice the unusual amount of Cursed Energy pressed into the baby's body. Why would they? It's not like they needed to check these things. Yue Itadori had a destiny, and she'd get there when she'd get there. She doesn't need any cursed energy before then. (They would in fact regret this lack of observation later on, for quite the same reason they would regret not making her a boy.)

But that's the future, and this is now. Right now, the universe simply tapped the tiny baby on the head and floated away to focus on created a new star system. Right now, the baby's mother was humming a lullaby and smiling at her father. Right now, the baby was opening its eyes and letting out her first cries in this world. She had a great set of lungs. (Spoiler alert: That would come in handy later)

Right now- an eighteen-year-old girl who had just died a very gruesome death by truck (and oh would she appreciate the irony MUCH later in life) was opening her eyes and realizing- well fuck. She was NOT in the afterlife. In fact, she was nowhere NEAR the afterlife. But she was a baby. So, she stuck up her mental middle finger to the Gods, opened her mouth, and started SCREAMING.

Because, honestly. What else was there to do?

Somewhere in the distance, the more powerful Jujutsu Sorcerers had to take a pause as the balance of Cursed Energy in the world was re-evaluated. Something had shifted. It was subtle, and if they weren't so in tune they would have missed it, but...something had happened.

Spoilers; That something was Yue. Fucking. Itadori.

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