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   Yue came back slowly- then all at once.

   The first thing she registered was the PAIN. Burning and angry, it was as if lava had been injected straight into her veins. To make everything worse- whatever energy was in her body before was fighting. Fighting this new and HATEFUL energy that seemed to want to take over her entire body and consume her. Compared to IT, her own burn was almost like ice.

   She had woken up, when she clearly wasn't supposed to if the angry scream of the other was anything to go by. One look around in her headspace and she saw what was going on. What she could figure was- the ice was LOSING.

   Yue refused to lose. She refused to. She didn't die, get reincarnated into a FUCKING anime (oh yeah, she REMEMBERED now) in the main character just to DIE. Just to keel over to everyone and everything and stop. Fighting.

   Fuck no.

   So she pushed back. For every lash of flame- she threw ten bolts of ice. For every wave of pain, she sent back her rendition of an angry snarl and spit in the face. For every push, every wave of agony, Yue sent back a middle finger and a PUSH BACK. A battle was being fought for her VERY SOUL. Her EXISTENCE was hanging in the balance! She. Would. Not. LOSE!

   In what seemed like hours, something between the two sides broke- and Yue was able to push further and further. She grabbed onto the line of white she could see in front of her and tugged. It made a sound like a rip of fabric, and relief flowed through her agony. Sharp and clear she could suddenly think BEYOND fire and ice and pain. Eventually, she could feel her body come back under her control- and she could hear rageful screaming in the back of her head. (Where it belonged, she thought smugly)

   Eventually, Yue opened her eyes.

   A choked gasp was all she could muster, and she swore she felt aftershocks in her muscles from the battle she had fought. There was screaming in the back of her head but she blocked it out, instead taking deep breaths of fresh air and letting tears brim on her lashes. She was almost dead a second time. Her body was almost not her own. Her SOUL was almost consumed. Yet, she was standing firm. Yet, she was HERE.

   Yue had WON.

   "That..." She rasped out, wiping tears from her eyes under the gauze of sweat. "...was fucking disgusting. I hope it was worth it."

   "Stay right where you are! You're no longer human!" Yue blinked, standing up straight and faintly realizing she was a LOT colder than she had been previously. That was pushed to the back of her brain as she focused on Megumi. Ah. Shit. She was a female Yuuji. That's right.

   "Dude. I don't think I was ever fully human t-b-h. But go off I guess." Maybe if she died now nothing would happen like it was supposed to...

   "Under Jujutsu regulation, Yue Itadori, by law I will now exorcize you as a curse!" Yue was HUNGRY. Damn, she could go for some ramen right about now.

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