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March 20th, 2003

When Yue was born, she wasn't Yue yet.

Confused? Good. So was she. Anyhow, it meant that she wasn't quite with the program the moment of her birth. The previous 18 year old Amaria Clarks was still reeling in shock from her unfortunate- and rather sudden- death. The teenager couldn't quite remember what had happened, but knew somewhere in her brain that she was dead. No not her brain, more like her center chest area. It felt heavy, like something was sitting right behind her sternum and wouldn't stop pressing-pressing-pressing-

Then there was light. Lots of light, and it was fucking COLD. Amaria blinked her eyes rapidly, the blurriness not helping her disorientating world view. Everything was so huge, and she was so small, it made very little sense in all. Yet she didn't care. She was dead, right? Fuck this shit- she knew she'd be going to hell anyway so it's fine. Slowly, her hearing came into focus- better than her eyesight that was for sure- and the sounds that slammed into her were ones she could never forget even if she wanted to.

The beeping of machines, the clinking of tools, the shouting of nurses and doctors, and the weird interlude of intercoms.

A hospital. She was in the hospital. Did that mean she wasn't dead? (She wasn't- but not in the way she thought)

There was a period of time she was pretty sure she zoned out- which made sense, extensive brain trauma could definitely do that- because when she came back she was settled somewhere warm and someone was brushing her hair from her forehead. She opened her mouth to talk, but all that came out was a strange gurgle. The baby paused, blinking slowly as if catching up with herself, and then scrunched up her face as if to see better.

Weirdly enough, she felt a tiny tingle in her eyes and then it became less blurry. She didn't look a gift horse in the mouth, preferring to table that with the other billion fucking questions that rest on the tip of her tiny tongue. She looked up to find a woman with red hair and deep brown eyes staring at her with a tired and sweat soaked face. The woman was smiling though, so she supposed that was a good sign. Another man came into view, this one tickled something in the back of her brain but she brushed it off and stared at them instead.

"She's so quiet, is she supposed to be that quiet?" The man was saying something, but she wasn't paying too much attention to his voice. Everything was muffled anyway- like she was underwater or something.

"The doctor said some babies are just like that darling." The woman huffed, clearly in amusement, and everything came back into focus so suddenly she was glad she didn't get whiplash.

But then again- how could anyone get whiplash AS A BABY. Her mini freak-out (because this was definitely not Hell like she first thought, it was worse. So much worse.) was stopped by the knowledge that really put the nail in the coffin.

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