Chapter 02

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"I still can't believe that my beautiful sister finally comes to a race!" Lewis said as he placed his hand wound my arms

"You'll be an 8 time world champion if you beat Verstappen!"

"Now that you are here obviously I'll beat him!" He said and he winked at me. We went to Mercedes hospitality and I saw Carmen and we sat together to the cafeteria

"So, did you decide what you'll do when you will end the university?" I sighed

"You know I was planning moving to Milan but now I think Monaco is an amazing solution!" I wanted to move in Milan so I can live with Pierre, my ex boyfriend, we broke up a few months ago because he said that I live in America and he lives in Italy and it's too big distance.

I was in really bad situation when I broke up with him because I loved him as anything else... I think he did the same but he hates the distance and he wants to stay focus on his career.

"Sister, I'm here with you don't worry!" Lewis said as I continued crying louder

"I can't lose him Lewis" he gave me a kiss on my hair

"I'm here don't worry sis"

"Lewis I'm pregnant" I said keep crying


"I found it a week ago the day that we broke up and I want this baby" Lewis hugged me tighter

"I'm here and I'll help you to raise this baby!"
"Okay?" I nodded and he gave a kiss to my forehead I went to my room and I slept.

My mind was to Pierre I love him so much and I know it but I also live my dream! I study to the biggest university of law in the world. I have to stop thinking about him and the fact that what he said made me feel guilty and shit. I woke up in the middle of the night because of pain in my stomach I stood up and I saw a lot of blood to my white nightdress I went to Lewis that he was sleeping on the couch

"Lewis" I said and he stood up and he looked at me in shock

"To the tub" he helped me go in the tub and we both get in and he sat behind of me and sat on his leg La and he was washing my legs with water

"Why?" I said crying

"It's okay sis" he said and he washed me. We went to the bedroom and he helped me change clothes and we went to the hospital.

"I think we should go to the other girls!" Carmen and she stood up

"Yeah let's go" I said and I smiled. We met Charlotte, Isa and Louisa

"Hey girls!" I said as we arrived

"Hello little Hamilton!" Isa said giggling

"How are you?" Charlotte asked me

"I'm fine! You girls?"

"We're amazing!" Louisa answered

"So at night we are going out!" Isa said with a big smile

"Yeah finally I really love the last party of the season!" Carmen said

"Yeah every year becomes and more amazing!" I answered. We heard a lot of paparazzi and they turned their head to see what's going on

"What it's going on here?" Charlotte asked shocking

"What?" Louise asked looking at the direction

"This has to be a bad joke!" Carmen said ironically

"No I can't accept that!" Isa said laughing ironically.

I was curious so I turned my head as well. I froze looking at them. What is he doing? With her seriously? He said he wanted to stay focus on his career and now he goes out with her? I think I can accept that! This is his life and he can do whatever he wants! I turned my head again so I don't look at them. Thankfully I had sunglasses and no one could watch that I had tears to my eyes the girls turned again their head to our first direction

"He is disgusting! He broke up with Nicole 3 months ago and now he comes here with a girl?" Isa said ironically

"I don't know what to say about him I thought he is a true man!" Charlotte said laughing ironically

"It's totally fine! I mean he broke with me because he wanted to focus on his career and because of the fucking distance and now he has a girlfriend! I mean yes! Everything is fine" I said trying to not cry. Heidi came

"Shit she saw Pierre" she said looking at me and I nodded

"He is so ass!" Louisa said looking at the direction he was walking. Heidi is my best friend and I met her to Daniel and now they are together

"Girls" we heard someone calling us we all turned our head and we watched Pierre and Kika "Girls this is my new girlfriend Kika, Kika the girls! I brought her here because she obviously wants company and she-"

"Are you fucking kidding me Pierre?" I asked him madly "You broke up with me because you had to focus on your career and now you bring me to meet your new girlfriend and become friends? No that's too much!" I said and I tuned my back to leave

"You are an asshole" Heidi said to him and she followed me

"Take her and ciao ciao!" I said to Pierre ironically

"Why are you so rude Charlotte? I never expect that from you!"

"Nicole said everything! Now ciao ciao!" He grabbed my wrist and he walk away from the girls

"What happened Charlotte?"

"Nicole is one of my closest friends and you hurt her with that way and we both know that you love her but you are an asshole and you don't want to accept that! Now let me go!" I said and I pushed him and I went to the girls.

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