Chapter 1

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Hoseok's POV

"Yoongi, please relax. Your distressed pheromones are all over the place." I tell my boyfriend, who is pacing back and forth in the office.

We currently are in an agency called Omega Escort. A wonderful organization for desperate alphas like us. The agency is known mainly in the upper classes and far not everyone can afford their services. But as the owners of the largest conglomerates in Korea, words such as can't afford don't exist in our dictionary.

What worries us more is the reason why we have to use their services. Yoongi and I have been dating each other for five years now. Even though we have known each other since childhood, love bloomed between us only in university. We have been frenemies majority of our lives but one day something changed.

Long story short, we fell in love and started dating. Our families didn't take the news well. The public was no better. My boyfriend and I were the most desired bachelors and many omegas dreamt of mating us, but all the dreams and hopes were shattered when we became a couple.

Society can't support such an unnatural couple. It is strange. Alpha dating alpha isn't that rare in the real world, but Min Yoongi and Jung Hoseok aren't ordinary alphas. We are businessmen and heirs of the richest clans in the country. Mating an omega and having pups is considered our primary duty.

So when we decided to neglect it, no one took the news well, for obvious reasons. For three years we have been sneaking around and hiding our relationship, but then, unfortunately, the paparazzi caught us one evening on a date and we were exposed. Thankfully, by that time we both already were official CEOs of our companies, otherwise, our families would have leverage over our heads.

Now, neither Mins nor Jungs can force us to break up by any means. However, there still is one more problem that Yoongi and I want to solve in the nearest future. To do so, we need to shift the attention of our families to something else. We have to show them that we are making concessions and giving both clans what they need so desperately.

An heir.

If our families believe that Yoongi and I will give them heirs, then they will back off at least for a time being. Even a short period would be more than enough to finish merging two corporations. Once we are done with it, we'll be unstoppable. In every sense.

Freedom and independence from the conservative beliefs of our parents are something both my boyfriend and I want more than anything. If we have to lie and pretend to achieve the final goal, we're ready for it.

"I feel like we're doing something illegal." Yoongi says, biting his nails nervously. This is one of his countless bad habits.

"Thankfully, we are not. Not that we are hiring a prostitute or something-"

"No, gentlemen. If you are here for prostitutes, I have very disappointing news for you." A tall man with broad shoulders and a lean frame enters the office with a couple of folders in his arms. The naturally sweet scent lingering behind him is an indicator that he is an omega. He passes us, curtly nodding his head in a greeting, and places files on his desk.

"No, of course, we are not. Mr. Kim, if I am not mistaken, right?" I ask the male who nods with a small smile. He occupies his chair, motioning me and Yoongi to do the same.

"I'm really happy to hear that, Mr. Jung. We have quite high standards here and all our clients have to understand that our omegas don't trade their bodies for money. This is absolutely not acceptable by our rules. On a mutual agreement that we'll be signing, you can buy the time of an omega but nothing more."

"Yes, we do understand how escort works." Yoongi tells him with a mastered poker face. Neither he nor I need to pay an omega to sleep with us. Majority would gladly spread their legs if we just asked. However, we aren't interested of course.

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