Chapter 6

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Jimin's POV

The first week of living with Hoseok and Yoongi passes so fast I don't even realize it until I wake up Saturday morning and don't have to go to the office.

Surprisingly, I freely adapt to alphas' lifestyle. Both of them are easy-going men and they don't make me feel uncomfortable around them. On the contrary, they always try to make sure everything is to my liking. It's easy to be friends with them.

I have never called any of my previous clients a friend. Maybe because I have never shared a house with them, but still.

It isn't a secret that majority of alphas consider themselves better than us, omegas. Society has normalized treating omegas at the discretion of alphas or betas. We still have some rights, but unfortunately, due to our submissive nature, other subgenders can easily take advantage of us. Even though using alpha voice to force omega to do something against their will is permitted by law, that doesn't always stop alphas.

That is why Jin hyung was so hesitant when Yoongi and Hoseok requested me to live with them. To be honest, I was afraid in the beginning as well, but considering all the benefits, I couldn't pass on this opportunity. Thankfully, taking risk was worth it.

Yoongi and Hoseok turned out to be respectful alphas who never cross the line. They earned my omega's trust quickly and now I'm so relaxed when they're around it feels a bit weird.

I mean I know them for how long? Less than 10 days, but my omega doesn't see any of them as a threat and would easily trust my well-being to any of the two. I'm not sure if that's how it should be, I don't have alpha friends. But all of this with Hoseok and Yoongi just feels natural. I like it.

It has been extremely fascinating to get to know the two most powerful alphas in the country better. I didn't expect Hoseok to have such a warm personality. He's a big sweetheart. His smile is enough to melt anyone's heart. Mine is no exception. He's the one always to start the conversation and ask about my day.

Yoongi, on the other hand, is more restricted. He usually prefers to be quiet and I can never say what's on his mind. At first, I thought he just didn't like me, but if there is anything I have noticed about him is that this man is addicted to chocolate. And I have caught him trying to secretly take a whiff of my scent. He gets embarrassed if he's caught and tries to shrug it off, but my omega likes the attention. If my pheromones involuntary sweeten after that, no one comments on it.

Even though Yoongi still doesn't talk much around me, at least I know it's because of his introverted nature and not because he hates my guts. That is such a relief.

Being his PA isn't the easiest job, I have to admit, but as odd as it sounds, I enjoy it. I still can't believe that I got such an opportunity. It's tiring, but I'm pretty sure I'm the only PA who has his own assistants.

I'm very grateful for Seoah, Jian and Yerin. They're very patient with me and kind. I do my best to learn my responsibilities as fast as I can, but I feel like I'll need at least a month before I'll be able to do all my tasks on my own.

I groan when an alarm wakes me up. Even though it's the weekend, I don't have time for rest. Yoongi and Hoseok's parents are coming over today.

After the shower, I put on a simple soft pink sweater and white slacks and apply some makeup. I want to look my best.

This visit will be some sort of test according to Hoseok and honestly, I don't want to fail it. After the article about me being two billionaire's secret lover, my life turned around 180 degrees. People started recognizing me not only in the company but outside it as well. Even though Hoseok's team tried their best to protect my privacy, I'm the most discussed omega in the country now and I'm not sure if I love or hate it.

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