Chapter 29

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Hoseok's POV

I must have saved the nation in my past life because there is no other explanation as to how I ended up with two most amazing men as my boyfriends.

My wolf has been in a blissful state ever since Jimin officially became ours. Suddenly everything is right again. As if Jimin has always belonged with us. Well, he does.

Two weeks of living in a reality where Jimin is also my future mate has been priceless. Plus, by the end of this month, we're planning to finalize the merging. Life officially can't get better.

On Tuesday morning we had to fly to New York to my and Yoongi's old friend's birthday. We wouldn't cross the ocean just for anyone, but Edward used to be our close friend in Oxford. After we returned to Seoul and he to the States, we stayed in touch.

Edward Fox owns several brands of the most expensive alcohol worldwide. We haven't seen him for years and he is turning 35 so we couldn't miss this event.

"I thought being rich implied not going to parties when you don't want to." Jimin whines as we enter the hotel room located in East Manhattan.

New York welcomed us with pouring rain and gray sky. Not the best beginning of the trip I would say. At first, Jimin was excited to visit the legendary city for the first time, but his mood changed when he realized the flight would last 14 hours and on top of that weather in New York would be shitty.

"I'm so tired, I don't even have the energy to admire this awesome luxe we're staying in." Jimin says, stumbling towards the bedroom. He probably hasn't registered yet that there is just one bedroom with a giant bed for three of us, but well, he can take his time.

"You can sleep, sugar." Yoongi tells him gently, wrapping arms around his waist from behind and kissing his nape. "Well wake you up when it's time to leave. Go and rest."

"Mmh." The omega mumbles under his breath turning around and pecking Yoongi. His eyes are half closed from sleepiness. He then wobbles to me, pressing his sweet lips to me as well. I couldn't help but deepen the kiss, nibbling on his bottom lip and claiming his mouth the way I wish I had already claimed his other parts.

I seriously became a fucking Saint for holding myself back all this time. I haven't even touched Yoongi for these two weeks because it feels wrong to do anything without Jimin. I know he wants us and is ready to take the next step and honestly, I doubt Yoongi or I will be able to hold our wolves any longer from claiming Jimin the way we have always wanted to.

"Come here, baby." I pick up his half-asleep body a bridal style and carry him to the bed. "Sleep, my little dove."

Jimin yawns when I put him on the bed and cover him with a duvet. Just a minute later he lets out a sweet snorting sound. My heart fucking swells with warmth and adoration. I'm so fucking in love with this little angel that it isn't funny anymore.

"Stop staring at our sleeping omega. It's creepy." Yoongi snickers from the doorframe and I throw a pillow at his smug face.

"Shut up. You don't get to call me out when you're even more whipped than me." I kick him out and close the door behind us so Jimin can finally rest. "It must be nice being his boss and abusing your power to have him close all the time."

A few days ago Yoongi ordered moving Jimin's belongings from the omega's office to his own. They moved his desk and two office cupboards to the corner of Yoongi's office where he's nestled with a primary view of the omega whenever he lifts his head. How fucking convenient.

"Don't be jealous baby." The alpha has the audacity to coo at me and squish my cheeks. "Green isn't your color."

"Fuck you, Min. You don't get to make fun of me."

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