Chapter 25

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Jimin's POV

As we step into the luxurious restaurant nestled within N Seoul Tower, I stare at my surroundings awestruck. The opulence of the place is evident in every detail, from the shimmering crystal chandeliers that hang from the ceiling to the plush velvet chairs. 

The panoramic windows offer breathtaking views of Seoul's glittering cityscape below, with twinkling lights stretching as far as the eye can see. It's a mesmerizing sight, and I can't help but feel like we're on top of the world. The feeling of power fills me just like every time I'm seen with Hoseok and Yoongi. 

The restaurant's interior is adorned with tasteful artwork, delicate floral arrangements, and intricately designed table settings. The soft, dim lighting casts a romantic glow, creating an intimate atmosphere. However, what surprises me the most is that the place is completely empty if do not count the staff members. 

I look back at the alphas and Hoseok's hand rests on the small of my back. He leads us to the table located in the middle of the restaurant. The waiter is already waiting for us there. 

Yoongi pulls the chair for me and helps me get seated as he and Hoseok follow suit shortly. They sit in front of me in all their glory. Power and confidence radiate from them. The tailored suits which probably cost more than my life, make them look simply mouthwatering.

Why aren't they on the menu, again?

I try to keep my heartbeat at bay, but it's hard to control myself when I feel insane attraction toward them. 

If I had reason to ignore it in the past, I finally can be more open about it now. I let my sweet pheromones linger in the air and put both elbows on the table, looking at the gorgeous alphas in front of me.

"Like what you see, little one?" Hoseok calls me out on my shameless staring session, but I don't feel that ashamed anymore. I have every right to watch them as much as I want.

"Very much." 

Yoongi chokes on the water while Hoseok's eyes widen at my unexpected boldness. I bite on my lower lip as a habit and awkwardly smile at them, not aware which side of me they prefer. More timid or open. 

"Careful, sugar. The smart mouth of yours might get you in trouble one day." Yoongi leans over the table and frees my lip from my teeth assault. His thumb brushes over it and I feel sparkles explode inside me. 

"What kind of trouble?" 

"The one you might or might not like." He winks at me and I swear my omega melts inside me. I gulp down, grabbing the menu and staring at it like I'm actually reading. 

"What do you want to order, little dove?" Hoseok's voice snaps me from my hiding attempt and this time I actually try to concentrate on what's in front of me. 

It takes me a minute for the prices of dishes to register in my mind and my mouth hangs open. "Look, I know you guys are rich and stuff, but this is too much even for you. I literally make the same amount of money in Omega Escort in one week as they ask here for one dish! It's crazy."

When I look up at the alphas, they're both watching me with amusement. 


"I know you aren't used to this, but you really need to stop considering money the problem, Jimin."

"Even if we're dating now, that doesn't mean I'll allow you to pay all the time for me and take over all my expenses. I won't let anyone think I'm after your money." I lift my chin. 

I know one of the reasons they never got with an omega was that everyone wanted them for money, but I'll never give them a reason to think I'm anything like those who broke their trust. 

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