Chapter 13

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Yoongi's POV

I still shake with rage whenever I remember what Jimin told us yesterday. Lee Jungho just got himself on my walking-dead-fuckers list and I will not stop until I don't destroy him. He messed up with the wrong omega. 

Jimin is ridiculous if he thinks Hoseok and I will not deal with the fucker on his behalf. His attempts not to get us dragged into this were cute though. He's too kindhearted. No wonder that idiot wants to mate him. Jimin's angelic beauty is another bonus. Anyone would be lucky to have him. But not against his will.

Jimin's faint scent still lingers on me after having him in my arms for hours last evening. Even after he fell asleep I kept him securely in my embrace for a long time. I know it's selfish, but my wolf needed reassurance that our omega was safe and that he was with us. I don't think anything has ever felt better than having him in my arms.

I can't deny the obvious even if I try not to drill on it. I care a lot about Jimin and won't calm down until the threat to his safety is eliminated. I'm on my way to Lee Corp. to show Jungho his place. If he thinks he can terrorize my omega in my building and get away with it, he's wrong.

I take out a chocolate bar from my suit pocket and nibble on it, letting sweetness explode in my mouth. I have recently noticed that I eat much less sweets ever since Jimin entered our lives. It must be his scent that helps me deal with my bad habit. I love having him around, his chocolate scent does wonders to me, I might even be replacing one addiction with another...

"Fuck." I mutter under my breath as my driver pulls in front of the high scraper that belongs to Lee's. I don't have time or will to think about where my feelings towards the tiny omega might lead me. The answer is already obvious. To a catastrophe. 

I make my way to Jungho's office which I know is on the same level as his father's. Mr. Lee tries his best to teach and train his son so he can lead the company after he steps down, but the young alpha is pretty much lost cause. His empty head is filled with parties and spending money that his family earned with hard work. He will never manage to run the corporation. 

Mr. Lee greets me before I have a chance to barge into his son's office. Obviously, someone informed him that I came to visit them unannounced. I greet him with a respectful bow and a forced smile. 

"Mr. Min, what has brought you here? We don't have a meeting scheduled for today." He sounds concerned. 

"I'm here to talk to your son. We have some unfinished business from yesterday. So if you don't mind..." I try to walk away, but he isn't having it. 

"Did something happen yesterday?" He is worried that his stupid son messed up something that will cost him a few millions. 

"No, sir. It isn't something you should worry yourself with. I just need ten minutes with Jungho and then I'm sure he'll gladly let you know the reason for my visit." I tell him as politely as I can. I don't want to disrespect the man even if his son is a total douchebag. "Now if you don't mind, I'm in a hurry. I don't have time to stand here all day."

This time I round him without a problem and head to Jungho's office. His secretary watches me with wide eyes as I go inside the room without a knock. 

There he is. The bastard in the flesh. My alpha urges me to beat him until the last breath leaves his body, but we are civilized people, so I can't let my intrusive thoughts win. Unfortunately. 

"Yoongi?" He jumps up surprised to see me. I don't fail to see him quickly hide a rectangular picture in the table drawer. My gaze catches familiar blonde hair and if this is what I think it is, I might end up killing this alpha today. "What are you doing here?"

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