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In the beginning of humankind, paganism was a religion practiced amongst them. Worshiping the Sun God and Moon Goddess, embedded in their peaceful community.

Until some of their integrants began rebelling, and the Celtic priestesses cursed the culprits. One species was bound to change on the cycles of the moon and the other was shackled to darkness, never able to face the sun. Thus, werewolves and vampires were born into existence.

Both species hid from humankind since, knowing what the humans were capable of.

During the Dark Ages, magical creatures portaled between realms to share knowledge, magic, and resources. Fae descended from Asterion, witches from the Shadow Isles, goblins from The Wastelands..., creating a thriving community.

Magic bloomed on Earth, and the creatures integrated with the humans. Never revealing their true nature, following the example of the werewolves and vampires.

As always, nothing hidden stays that way.

The Uprising brought mayhem to the Earthen realm.

Creatures that had lived there for centuries were being slaughtered at the hands of human hunters. Magical creatures over the entire realm were hunted down and killed, some even taken to perform experiments on.

At some point, the magical community saw no other way than to ally against the human threat instead of fighting continuous battles that brought nothing more than destruction and death.

The blood of hundreds was shed only because of the inability of humanity to understand. Co-existence had become impossible, and leaders from each species came forward and prepared a last battle against the hunters.

Enver Krys, emissary from the Aurora werewolf pack, with the mission to lead the remaining species into a protected area in the North, was killed during that final combat.

His sacrifice and that of others made it possible for the magical community to flee to Northern Lands. A haven, protected from humans under an enchanted dome, where they could live safely without being hunted or killed.

A place where they didn't have to hide themselves from the world.

A place where they didn't have to hide themselves from the world

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