Chapter 24

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The pixies that Priamos summoned fluttered their wings, propelling the shimmery gold fairy dust all over Cal's living room and making Leander sneeze. Their sharp little teeth gnashed when they tried to communicate with the male fae. Even with my werewolf hearing their snarling language was spoken fast, and I could not understand everything they were saying.

It gave me the chance to observe their bark-like skin and delicate dusty pink of buzzing wings up close. Their character remained as nasty as before towards the non-Asterion inhabitants as they gnarled when I stepped too close. Marveling at the ability of the fae to have wings and summon these kinds of creatures made me feel a new sort of awe towards the species.

Priamos was concentrating on the conversation with the little forest creatures, but we all noticed the crease in his brow becoming more prominent as it continued.

"Are you sure?" He demanded from the pixie that was regaling him with the information.

A high-pitched screech left the tiny mouth, and I had to cover my ears at the intensity. There was urgency in the way the creature moved its arms up and down and flapped quicker their petite wings.

"I see," Priamos said in a soft whisper.

With a snap from his fingers, the pixies burst into clouds of fairy dust, making a whooshing sound. Priamos paced for a moment and then faced us.

"Calithea is in Asterion."

After finding out through the pixies that Calandra was taken to Asterion, we jumped into gear and returned to the Aurora pack. We needed to assemble some pack members to accompany us to the fae realm and retrieve their Gamma female.

Ilaria and Priamos accompanied us in Calandra's tiny car, while Leander and I took our motorcycles. During the entire ride back, my nerves were eating at me, the realization that she had been there all along fucking with my mind. There wasn't supposed to be any doubt in my mind concerning Cal, my mate; nevertheless, the kernel of unknowing, of uncertainty, ate at my soul.

The only one interested in retrieving Calithea Asterin, my mate, to Asterion, was that dreadful ex-fiancée she told me about. The reason for fleeing her realm in the first place.

An arranged marriage by her parents imposed on her against her will.

It was the first person I thought about when the mermaid, Nereida, warned us. As the Council meeting went poorly, we had to make sure every potential lead had been investigated thoroughly. I didn't want more conflicts in Northern Lands, but the last few days, since Calandra disappeared and Faolan turned up sacrificed for a ritual, it caused chaos in our werewolf pack.

The little she had told me about him was enough to hate and despise him. She never wanted to be with him in the first place, but now, not having her with me, doubt played a nasty game with my head. Had she returned by his side willingly? Had it all been a ruse?

Conan ~ Enough! Trust our mate.

Zander ~ Easier said than done...

Conan ~ You saw the same things as I did, how our pack mate was murdered to take her away. She was taken against her will.

Zander ~ Why then stall the marking? Being mine?... Ours?

Conan ~ She wasn't ready! Cal isn't a shifter like us Zan, she doesn't understand the needs and animal pull of the wolf spirit. It's been grating on me, but I've been patient, waiting for her to make the first step.

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