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⌘ Northern Lands, Earth.

The fireplace was lit, producing its warm glow throughout the room. Zander had moved the sofa slightly out of its normal spot, revealing the reason as he pulled me closer to the dancing flames. Around the plush carpet, cushions and blankets were carefully draped around the living room. The small coffee table had candles and food waiting for us, accompanied by a bottle of wine with two glasses.

"When did you have the time to do all of this?" I asked in wonder, taking off my winter coat.

"This morning, and I had a bit of help," he responded with his hands in the pockets of his jeans. "You were at Ilaria's, and I had been planning this for a while."

"This is amazing." I beamed up at him.

I took my place on the blanket, sweeping my legs to one side. As I tried to get comfortable, the skirt of my dress kept riding up, exposing the creamy flesh of my thighs. I saw Zander watch me and a sultry grin drew on his lips.

"After everything that happened, we both needed some time to ourselves." Zander said, taking his seat opposite me, both of us facing the fireplace.

He opened the bottle of wine and poured us both a glass of the cold fruity drink. Goat cheese with honey and bacon lay on toast and wraps with avocado and salmon had been arranged on the platter.

Zander sat down next to me and placed his hand on the soft flesh of my leg, running it up and down. A pleasurable shiver ran over my skin at the sensation. He began feeding me pieces of the toast and I grasped them eagerly with my mouth.

The events in Asterion had left deep scars. Also, it showed me the most valuable lesson of all. To not waste time. I had decided about Zander marking me and completing our mate-bond.

He had put so much thought into this evening together that I needed to find the perfect moment to tell him I was ready. "This is incredible, Zander." I said when we had finished feeding each other and I lay nestled against his chest.

"I'm glad. You deserve to be pampered." He said huskily as he combed through my hair with his fingers.

It was tender and caring, and I wondered if he was afraid of hurting me after what Tybalt had done. A violation of my mind and body as the remains of the spell still clung to my skin, but I was determined to work through the binds that had maintained me captured and lean on Zander's strength.

My eyes swept over the loose buttons of his shirt and I undid a couple more, to get my hand under the soft fabric and stroke his taut chest. I noticed him looking at my lips before he lifted my head by my chin to his, capturing my mouth in a spine tingling kiss.

I straddled him and pushed him back onto the cushions and blankets. The warm colors of the fire illuminated his face and five o'clock shadow. I traced my hands over his chest, scraping my nails carefully over his abs, making Conan growl as Zander clutched my waist tightly in his hands. I lowered my body to his, giving me access to his ear.

"I'm ready." I whispered softly, before nipping his earlobe with my teeth.

When we came back from Asterion, the ability to talk to each other through the mind had disappeared. I talked sometimes to Conan, but that was apparently something that didn't happen quite often to unmarked mates.

"Are you sure?" Zander asked me cautiously, knowing exactly what I was referring to.

"Yes." I kissed him with passion, pouring all my love into the connection we shared. Opening the doors to my heart and giving him access.

Northern Lands: Bound by fateWhere stories live. Discover now