Chapter 6

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Zander had spoken those piercing words and left my flower shop in a hurry, after slamming his fist into the wall in frustration. Angry at the situation and not being able to remain in my presence.

I sank to the ground and hugged my legs, staying in that position for a long time while caressing the fresh tattoo on my wrist. The physical proof of the connection we shared.

He did things to me that made an unknown part of me leap forward. A craving that wanted me to tangle my fingers with his, run my hand around the stubble of his five o'clock shadow or play with his unruly brown colored locks. I didn't want to talk. I wanted to give in. Hungering to feel him, all of him. The smell of his leather jacket and sandalwood cologne hung around me like a sinful invitation, pulling me closer to him.

The mate-bond was tugging at the closeness, urging us to give in. Edging me closer to Zander Krys. I had the feeling that this pull was only strengthening with time, driving me insane with desire for him until I gave in and sealed the bond.

I didn't realize how long I had been sitting on the floor in the greenhouse, wallowing in my thoughts, until a pixie brought me some fruit to eat. Her small arms carried the raspberries to drop them in my lap as her big eyes took me in with worry written on her face. I nodded once to thank her for the effort and she took off, fluttering her wings and sprinkling the surrounding air with the golden dust.

I had once again crushed the man with my words when I didn't even mean them.

The moment I arrived in Northern Lands and was introduced to the Council, my eyes had unintentionally drifted to the handsome Gamma. It was the first time I had met a werewolf, and his yellow gaze had drawn me in like a beacon. Ilaria had told me that werewolves' eyes changed to their wolf's when night fell and the moon appeared in the darkening sky.

I was afraid of the consequences of my actions in the past, and that had pushed me to make my rash decision on the spot last night. My first instinct had been to reject Zander. Afraid of a relationship, of being vulnerable with someone, sharing the truth; fear of being caught and dragged back to Asterion, to be forced into marrying Tybalt Drasden once again.

I had run from Asterion, leaving a lot of angry people in my wake. Was I ready to pull Zander into the bottomless abyss with me? Tell him all of my hidden secrets and alert the Northern Lands Council that there was a fucking fae princess in their midst?

I only knew that Priamos Asterion had taken the throne and my parents had retired. I didn't know if the noble Drasden family was out for revenge or wanted to retaliate against the people of Asterion for my disappearing act. The uncertainty made me doubt my every decision since I have been away from home.

Even if I wasn't scarred from my past after the attempted arranged marriage to Tybalt Drasden and fleeing my realm to start completely anew somewhere else; I wasn't ready for the chaos it would ensue to accept the mate-bond to the Gamma of the Aurora pack.

The thought alone shattered my already fragile heart.

A searing pain sizzled through the drawing etched on the skin of my wrist. I knew it was my soul, yearning for Zander's; warning me that if I didn't accept what the Moon Goddess gave me, I would never feel complete in this lifetime.

I forced myself to put a raspberry in my mouth, knowing I needed the sustenance, and finally lifted my head up to gaze outside at the orange sky. The blue canvas was mingling with the last warm sun rays that reflected on the crystalline snow on the mountains as evening fell. Northern Lands was one of the most breathtaking places in this world. We were lucky to have such an incredible safe haven on Earth.

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