chapter five

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Lectures have become different, Spencer and I found out Tuesday after his psychology lecture. As usual, we went out for coffee, except this time we talked about Friday and those unforgettable kisses. The butterflies in my stomach couldn't wait to wake up just thinking about it.

We came to the conclusion that it would be very difficult to maintain professional contact as long as we were in a public institution. Our meetings will continue only if we can control ourselves in public. When we're alone, nothing else matters but ourselves.

We didn't do anything official, it was just some kissing and touching. Nothing else happened. Except that we were both so tense that it was really remarkable how we managed to control ourselves that night.

Spencer liked to keep things under control. He knew that the semester was only less than forty hours away and that we could sacrifice so much for the sake of our careers. We strictly avoided larger events where students gather; most social engagement took place in my apartment. It is an understatement to say that he loved coming to my apartment. Each time he would stop by the bookshelf and add a new book as his next recommendation for me.

So far he has not disappointed me with his suggestions, he has managed to find such books that I can read in one go without regretting it.

Twenty days have passed since that Friday. Of those twenty days we saw each other only twice, the rest of the days we talked on the phone, I was lonely and he wanted to spend the minutes with me before going to bed.

I felt like a teenage girl in love with elephant hormones, his behavior was mostly gentle and loving. But the moon also has its dark side.

I could not think about that right now, I had to officially focus on my thesis in psychology. My topic was criminal psychology with a case of my own choosing.

Spencer wanted to help me, at least give me some advice, because it's very easy to change the subject. I had to turn him down, this is something I have to do myself. He will certainly have to review it and evaluate it. That's enough from his side, although I do not doubt his ability to distinguish between our two very different relationships.

I decided to go outside and walk to the library before focusing all my attention on work. I loved the smell of books, old yellowed leaves, the smell of coffee. It all reminded me of him.

I'd like to see you. - Spencer

I smiled at his message, I wanted to see him too.

I am in town. Would you like me to come by?

Another message arrived. I replied with a yes.

I took the book I wanted and hurried back to the apartment. The air conditioner was the only salvation this summer, for it was blisteringly hot outside. I put on a yellow dress, the only thing I liked about it was the fabric. It was as if I had nothing on.

MIDNIGHT PLEASURE,  spencer reid ✔Where stories live. Discover now