chapter eighteen

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MORNINGS WITH SPENCER are one of the things that have quickly become a habit since we've started living together. He gets up an hour before me, giving me enough time to sleep alone in the big bed while he goes to the coffee shop to fetch our favorite coffee, as we are still looking for a nice coffee machine to save money on coffee shop trips.

The fragrance of coffee in the morning awakened me up, allowing me to get up like a normal human being rather than a sleep-hungry monster. We cooked breakfast together immediately after the coffee; thus far, no unexpected calls have interrupted our mornings together. However, all good things must come to an end. That's how I felt this morning when I awoke alone in my apartment, coffee on the table and a small letter on paper.

We've got a case, Florida nasty. I'll contact you as soon as I have a chance, i love you Ally.
- Spencer

His final case as a full-time federal agent in the unit. I can only assume how many various emotions are running through his intelligent mind, and how many of them he is concealing. Spencer disliked new things and typically kept to the same pattern no matter how tedious it grew; I was similar to him, but I managed to push through some things only to make things simpler for myself.

I hope it will be easy for him to affirm to Hotch that this is it when he officially informs him of his decision. on the best-case scenario, they could agree that Spencer occasionally works with us on the team when he is really busy; Spencer performed best under pressure, and the most difficult cases were only completed because of him.

I was still not fully aware of the stress on the field, when everyone is counting on you to save the missing person and find the killer. I had no idea how it would feel if we failed because someone mislead us all; would we then fall in the eyes of everyone who had praised us so much? Is it too significant?
I'm also concerned about finding out because I have a lot of questions about working as an FBI agent, and that realization is coming soon.

Aaron Hotchner was at his office, where he was assisting his team with some information that Penelope had obtained for him. The internet is a messed up thing; I'm glad I'm not exposed to it as much since information about me would still be found. I phoned him this morning and asked if he should answer today or if we should shift it to a day when he is free; he said he can now because he has been working but just in the office owing to a previous injury. Emily was clarified when she said she didn't want to see him on the field until he was fully recovered; after all, he is a man and a parent first and foremost, followed by a federal agent who catches evil people. I was completely on board with that, especially after Spencer went through the Jane incident. He may not have had any visible physical wounds, but he was having a mental breakdown and needed a break from work.

I knew the way to Hotcher's office because I'd gone to the FBI headquarters a couple of times, either by happenstance or to bring some files to Spencer, or simply to bring some sweets for everyone there. I was soon in front of his office, and I was so nervous that my entire nervous system convulsed.

I knocked softly on the glass door since I disliked the sensation of tapping on glass. "Come in!" rang outside his office's four walls. I carefully squeezed the door handle and yanked it open, now or never, Ally. Remember, Louis did not raise a coward.

When Hotch sees me, he gives a small, barely perceptible smile. I can tell by his demeanor that the case is serious and challenging, as well as the level of guilt he feels for not being in Florida with his team right now. He gathered all of the documents he had attached in front of him and set them aside, taking a blue folder full of papers.

"Would you like something to drink?" "I'm for coffee, I mean, it's time for another dose of caffeine," I concur with him as I glance at my clock and notice that it is indeed time for that second cup of coffee that the body craves.

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