20-New Hair, New Ice Cream

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A/N: I have been doing a lot of the story in other people's (specifically Gavi's) Pov. do you guys like that or do you want it to stay more in Jules' Pov? To be honest, I just open a doc a start to write, but let me know if there is anything you want to see because I don't really have a plan going for this story! That sounds bad, but it is more fun to go with the flow. Let me know though. -Gavi_Lover_kisses 

We got home a week ago. Gavi and I had talked, but not about the kiss. There was no tension or awkwardness between the two of us. It was honestly frustrating because I had taken some time to think about it. I liked it. I liked him, but something was nagging at me. I looked at myself in the mirror placed on the wall of my well lit bathroom.

GAVI's pov

Jules had called me over to her house. I hoped that we would talk about the kiss. More importantly I hoped that Inwould kiss her again. I practically skipped up the path and knocked on the door. I heard some footsteps and then the door unlocked. When I finally saw Jules, my jaw dropped.

"What happened?!" I exclaimed. Jules' smile faded. "Do you know what it's like?" She whispered while looking at her feet. I stuck my hand out and grabbed some of her soft hair. The difference was that now it was a brunette sea. The blonde was gone and I loved it.

Jules' pov

"I love it," He softly said to me as he messed around with some of my hair. I smiled, but made sure to hide it from him. I stepped to the side and let him walk into my house. My mom and Sky had left to go to the mall to shop for school clothes. I led him into the living room and we both sat down across from each other on the couch.

"I am so sorry Jules," Gavi got out before I could say anything. My face dropped and I looked at him. I opened my mouth, but he cut me off again. "You said you wanted to be friends and I didn't listen," He was babbling and refused to look into my eyes. "I shouldn't have done-'' He kept going, but I cut him off. "I am ready for more." I blurted out. He went quiet and moved closer to me. He just stared at me with a blank look on his face. "I want to be exclusive, but I still don't know if I am ready to date," I whispered.

Gavi's pov

"I want to be exclusive, but I still don't know if I am ready to date," She whispered. I guess that was a good compromise. We talked more and decided that we weren't dating, but we wouldn't get involved in other people and we would be there for each other no matter what. I was happy with this arrangement. Obviously I would like for her to be my girlfriend, but this was a good step towards that happening.

After we were done with all our talking, we sat there for a couple of moments. I just looked at her new dark brown hair. It reminded me of my favorite flavor of dark chocolate ice cream. I missed her blonde hair, but she looked so much better this way. I loved her no matter what.

"What will we do for the rest of the day?" I asked her after a while of silence. "We should-" She got cut off by me getting a phone call. I looked down to see it was Xavi. She saw it too and nodded for me to pick it up. It pretty much went like this....

Xavi: "Gavi, where are you?"

Gavi: "Umm.... at home?"

Xavi: "We have a photo shoot"

Gavi: "Oh shit! I am on my way."

I hung up the phone and started to collect my things. "Where are you going?" Jules ran after me. "I forgot that I had a photo shoot at Camp Nou and I need to go," I nervously responded. I started to walk towards the door and to my car. I got in the driver's seat and started the car. Before I could start the car, Jules got in the passenger's seat. I just weakling smiled at him and we sped off to Camp Nou.

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