35- Family Dinner

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A/N: Sorry this one is so short. PLEASE FEEL FREE TO DM ME SOME IDEAS! Enjoy!

Gavi had a family event tonight so for the first time in a while the three of us were at home, by ourselves. Mom wanted to do something fun, but Sky just wanted to watch the Disney channel. As the hours flew by, I got hungrier and hungrier until eventually I decided to bring up the idea of dinner. "I am hungry," I whined. "Where are we going for dinner.'' Silence fell over the room as we thought of a place that we would all like and don't involve a whole trip to go to.

After a while of going through every food place within 30 minutes of us, we decided on a little restaurant in the city. It was the first place we went when we first moved here and the owners loved us. After deciding, we all piled into the car and drove over to it.

When we pulled up there was paparazzi everywhere. I looked confused at the group of people with their big cameras. I turned my gaze to my mom. "They wouldn't be here for me, right?" I quietly asked. She shook her head no and we all cautiously got out. We gave Sky a mask and hat to cover her face because she was too young to be in the light. We walked through the crowd who realized who I was and started to yell at us for photos and autographs. When we walked in, we looked for a famous person that they would be here for, but didn;t find anyone of any significance. The waiter took us to the table and I just excused myself to go to the bathroom.

To get to the bathroom, you have to walk past the private party room that people rent out for things. I curiously peeked in and my eyes met with one of the people at the table. He smiled at me and I tried to run away, but he chased after me. "Not so fast," he said to me as he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me back to him. "Come sit with my family and I," He said again as I leaned my head back to see his face. I nodded to him and broke free of his grasp. I walked over to mom and Sky to tell them to come sit with us.

"Gavi!!!!!" Sky screamed as she ran into the room and flung herself at him. He hugged her back and while everyone laughed. I introduced my mom and sky to his family. Once all the formalities were done, I peeled Sky off of him and down. "What are the chances that we happen to be having dinner at the same restaurant?" His mom jokingly asked. "I guess pretty good," Gavi responded as he found my hand from under the table and took it into his.

Gavi's POV

My parents wanted a night with just the family. I felt so bored without having the little brunette with me. They could see that I was not excited to be here and tried to cheer me up. "You need to be able to be without her," My mom said to me, but I just kept my eyes on my lap. For some reason I looked upset when I did, I saw Jules from outside the door of the room we were in.

Instantly I got happy and I saw her try to run away, but I just ran after her. I tried so hard to catch up with her and pull her into my arms. Once I let go, she took a step back and was going to walk away, but I quickly asked her to stay. She happily did, but we both had to go get her family.

After she got her family, she scurried back over to me and we walked back into the room. I was kind of nervous that my family would be mad, but it ended up being one of the best things that could happen to our night. It went from us being annoyed with each other to everyone laughing and joking around within the group. I grabbed her hand and started to rub her soft fingers in mine.

I started up a conversation with my parents and her mom. I was telling them how sorry I was about the paparazzi that they had to deal with on the way in. "I just think that this is too much fame for the both of you. Especially so young," he mom said and the four of us nodded in agreement. "I just hate the fact that they don't know when to stop. If all they did was take photos then I wouldn;t care, but it's the crazy people that I hate," Jule had turned back to insert herself in the conversation at this point.

Aurora's POV

The dinner had gone by super fast ever since Jules and her family had shown up. When it was finally time to leave, Gavi wasn't going to let Jules go home. She got in the car with us. I went in the back seat and really watched them interact with each other. The way that he softly talked to her when she asked him something. The funniest part was that for the entire duration of the 20 minute car ride, he never looked away from her. Even when she went quiet and looked out the window, his eyes never looked away from her.

Jules' pov

GAVI's parents had invited my whole family back to their house because they were having fun together. Aurora, gavi, and I had all ended up in his room. I was laying on his bed while the two of them started fighting about what to watch. "Jules, what do you want to watch?" Gavi asked as he turned to me. I just grabbed the remote and clicked on a random show.

They all quietly watched the show as I scrolled through my phone. I wasn't tired, Gavi and started to rub my back and I slowly started to drift off.




And then I fell asleep.

GAVI's pov

I noticed that Jules had fallen asleep right around the time that Aurora also noticed. "Do you love her- like really love her?" She asked me in a hushed tone. I looked down at the girl in my lap with her arms swung around my torso and her head nuzzled into the crook of my arm. I noticed all the good memories I had with her and how I could be so angry, but she always calmed me down. I realized that I did love her. Not a short term love, but a love that I see stretching for the rest of my life. I looked up at my sister with tears in my eyes as she just chuckled. She swung her arm around me and gave me a hug. "Awwww Pablo. I think you should get some rest,"she whispered to me. I nodded and moved my body down to lay next to Jules. 

The Big Move x Pablo GaviDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora