31- Him+Being Good With Kids= <3

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A/N: Thank you so much to Floortjeisleuk for the chapter idea. Let me know if you have any requests. If you want to remain anonymous DM me and I will try to fit it into the story. ENJOY!

"Jules are your bags packed," My mom asked as she burst through my door. I leaned off of my bed and pushed the suitcase sitting there towards. She grunted and walked over to pick it up and bring it to the car. After she left, I laid in the silence of my room for a second before getting out of bed. I grabbed some comfy clothes and stuffed my phone and a charger in my already packed backpack before walking out of the room.

I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen where I found Sky sitting at the counter. I walked and stole some of her bacon before walking out the car so I could get comfy. I slumped down into the back seat of the car and leaned my bed back while I waited for my sister and mom to finally get out here. We were going on a little get away because life had been super crazy with her sports and my "fame". I sighed because I knew how boring this trip was going to be. I was excited to get away, but didn't want to be away from Gavi and my friends for so long. I decided to go back to sleep before everyone came out and got in the car. I made sure to ball up and pull the blanket over my whole body.


I had been out for a while, but woke up to the sound of a man's voice. I was so confused because the only people who were coming on this trip was my family (which was three women). I pulled the blanket off my head and saw Gavi, and all his luggage, next to me. I sat there in shock for a second because I had fully planned to not talk to him for the next week and I was super excited that he was here. I leaned up and gave him a huge hug. Nobody had even noticed that I was awake so I was surprised. As I was leaning into the hug, he jerked back. "What?" I asked. He pointed to a scratch on his neck. I looked to see what scratched him and saw it was the necklace he had given me. When we noticed what the culprit was, we both started laughing. "I love you," he whispered as he pulled my head back down and continued to carry out a conversation with my mom.

We didn't have far of a drive until we pulled up to a little house in the mountains. Sky and I jumped out and ran up to the door to get the key out of the lock box. Gavi made sure to get my bags for me like the gentleman he tried to be. We quickly unlocked the door and started to run around the house. It wasn't super big, but it had a fancy yet comfy vibe that I loved.

There were three bedrooms. One was smaller and two were master sized bedrooms. Sky tried to take one of the master bedrooms, but I quickly shut down the idea and pulled my suitcase into the closet as she had a breakdown but the bedroom door. I tried to ignore her, but she wouldn't stop so I decided to walk over and try to calm her down. Annoyingly enough, nothing I did was good enough and it ended with her still crying and me lying angry on the floor.

I was about to fight her when Gavi walked into the room and whispered something to her. She immediately stopped crying and ran out of the room giggling. I looked at him in awe and slightly confused. He bent down next to me and picked me up. My hands instinctively went around his neck as she carried me through the large room to the bed before chucking me onto it. As he crawled in next to me, I asked him straight up, "what did you tell her." He just laughed it off and attempted to pull the blankets over me. I pushed them away and started to chase after him. We flew through the house. I chased him all the way to the living room where we were met with my mom. "We should go into this little town area and walk around," She said to me. I looked over at Gavi and he nodded in agreement. "Ok! Let me go get my purse," I responded to her as I walked back to my room.


"Gavi!" Jules screamed from the other side of the fountain we were sitting on the edge of. He looked behind us and when he located her, He got and ran over to her. She screamed and they chased each other around. My mom scooted closer to me and leaned her head on my shoulder. "I think your sister has a crush on our boyfriend," She jokingly poked me in the side. "Look how good he is with kids, you both have great taste."

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