29- Borthday Gurl

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This Chapter is a birthday gift for my first ever fan 

"Happy bir-rthday to you-ooooo," Gavi screamed as he ran and jumped on my bed. I jolted up and avoided his flying body. He hits my bed with a grunt and turns over to look at me. "What time is it?" I muffled because my head was still pointed into the pillow. "5 am." He calmly said. "5 AM!!! I love you, but I am going back to sleep," I exclaimed to him. He wrapped his arm around me and brought me up to his chest. "That is fine.... I will be here when you wake up," he whispered in my ear.


We pulled up to Mickey's house and it was huge. I ran up and knocked on the door. Not even a second later, she swung the door open and jumped into my arms. I stumbled back a little bit, but was luckily caught by Gavi, who was standing behind me.

I woke into the house and saw my mom, my sister, and the whole team standing there waiting for me. I was convinced that the smile on my face was never going to leave. I made my way around the house and hugged everyone. I stopped when I got to my mom and sister, they were crying. I gave them the biggest and longest hug of them all. "Happy birthday sweetie," my mom said to me while I was in her embrace. I turned around and the sky pulled me down to her height as we both laughed. "You are so grown up Jules!!!"

"Come open gift!!!!" Mikky yelled from the other room.


Jules' POV

"Wear this dress to your party," Mikky said to me as she threw a small, but colorful dress. Surprisingly, I caught it and started to strip down to change. She helped me zip it up and I turned to look at myself in the mirror. I liked how I looked. I knew that sounded cocky, but I knew I was pretty and had a lot of self confidence. Once she had helped me get the dress on, Mikky left me standing in my room to add finishing touches to my outfit.

I was mid tying up the straps on my heels, when I turned my head and screamed. I never heard Gavi come in, but he was standing all suspicious and scary looking in the corner. He laughed at my scared expressions and came over to help me finish tying them up. "You look really pretty!" He said to me while standing up. I just giggled and he stuck his arm out for me. I interlocked them and we walked out of our room.

Gavi's Pov

We walked into the club and Jules could not be happier. I had definitely seen her drunk before, but she was happy that it was legal and no one could stop her. I watched as she and Mikky ran up to the bar and down 2 shots. "Woah slow down," I shouted over the music to her. She just blew me a sarcastic kiss and downed another one. I jokingly walked away while watching her before turning around and talking to Balde.

Jules' Pov

Mikky, Sira, and I were on the dance floor. I watched Ferran walk over and start dancing with Sira. Mikky and I pretended that we were paparazzi for the couple. Moments later Frenkie came over and started dancing with Mikky. I felt kind of awkward not having anyone to dance with. I just tried to act normal while squishy in between the two couples.

Gavi's Pov

I was still sitting with Badle, when he pointed to the dance floor. I saw Jules was awkwardly standing there looking around. I smiled at how pretty she looked, but the nervous look on her face was enough to make me stand up and walk over to her. I reached her and I could see her look more relieved. We started to dance. The drinks kept flowing though and she was getting more and more drunk. She excused herself to go to the bathroom, but almost fell over as she tried to walk away. I reached and grabbed her by her waist to keep her standing. "Easy, easy," I said to her. She grabbed on to me tightly and kept her standing. I helped her walk to the bathroom and felt weird letting her go in without me.

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