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It's Saturday and we are waiting for Mahesh to arrive at the rave party.  I and my team are connected over Bluetooth. 

"Is Target here?" I asked Nishal who is sitting on the other end.

"Not yet!" He replied.

"Target is here!" Inspector Joshi announced.

"9'o clock to your right sir!" He said and I turned to find him walking in with a girl and a few men followed him. He settled down on a sofa and started having drinks.

Soon he started applying powder to his hand and licking it. It's drugs!

"Charge!" I said to my people and we all charged at them and captured them before they get time to react. 

Due to the hustle one of the packet fell into a glass and emptied into it.

I dragged him out by the collar and cuffed him to my car. I went in to check if everything was all right as we saw drugs there.

"Nimmi wake up!" I saw a girl who was trying to wake up her friend.

I went near them. The girl is unstable and is spinning. 

"What happened?" I asked moving closer.

"She drank from this glass and is suddenly acting like this!" She said pointing to the glass. I took the glass and observed it closely. It has that packet which fell earlier.

"She is drugged!" I said and lifted her in my arms and walked out.

"Nishal to the hospital!" I shouted and he started the car.

"Cease the place and scan every inch. I want the manager in my office tomorrow morning!" I ordered inspector Joshi and got into the car.

"What happened?" Nishal asked after starting the car.

"Drug overdose!" I said.

"Call a doctor!" He said. I tried calling Bua (aunt) but her mobile is off.

"Bua is in flight maybe!" I said to Nishal.

"Take my mobile and call Prisha!" He said. I don't want to question him having her number right now. I just took his mobile and dialed her. She answered after 4 rings.

"Hello!" She answered. I kept the mobile on speaker.

"Hey, Prisha! There is a case of a drug overdose! We need assistance!" He said concentrating on the road.

"Okay! Do you know which drug did the person take?" She asked.

"Opioid I guess!" I replied.

"Symptoms?" She asked.

"Limp body, purple nails and lips, pale face," I said.

"Opioid it is! Time of intake?" 

"9:30 pm." 

"Gender and age?" 

"Female in her 20's"

"Make her drink water and try to keep her awake!"

"Can you check her heart rate?" She asked and I did as said.

"Not good! Weak pulse." I said.

"Okay reach here as fast as you can and don't let her sleep and move her to her left. Make sure she is breathing!" She said and we reached the hospital within a few minutes. She is already waiting there.

She checked her pulse and heart rate once we arrived. 

"She needs CPR!" She said noticing her not breathing and started giving her CPR.

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