18. Emergency!

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I am sitting in my living room watching TV actually scrolling through the channels. Mom, Dad, Bhayya, and Bhabi are going to attend an event.  They are getting ready currently. I ditched the event as I was not in the mood to meet that family who would either start acting all lovey-dovey or start throwing daggers with their gaze.

Soon Mom and Dad entered all ready for the event. Mom is wearing a beautiful designer saree while Dad is wearing a blue suit. Bhayya and Bhabi too came down with Bhayya in his black Armani suit while Bhabi was wearing a beautiful black saree.

"You all look fantabulous!" I complimented them.

"Thank you!" Everyone said in unison.

"Prisha come with us na!" Mom asked again.

"Let her be mom. We know how the people there will behave!"Bhayya spoke for me. Actually, it's not about all the people there it's about the Gajjar family. They have always envied my father and plotted against us acting in front of us as if they were our well-wishers.

All of them left after informing me to have dinner with Aditya's family.

I think I should stop avoiding him and respect his decision. It's his right to say no to my proposal. I shouldn't blame him for my heartbreak.

I got up from my place. I took a shower and walked to his home. Everyone including him is sitting in the living room.

"Angel!" Pihu was the first one to notice me. She came running into my arms. I lifted and twirled her.

"Hey, princess!" I said finally keeping her down.

"Namasthey Uncle! Namasthey aunty! Hi Bhayya, bhabi!" I wished them all except him.

I sat down and looked at my princess who was running here and there. I could feel his gaze on me but couldn't dare to look up.

Suddenly both our phones went off.

"Hello!" I picked up the call it was from the hospital.

"Ma'am an accident happened in the nearby area. All the victims will be sent to our hospital as it is near." One of the receptionists informed me.

"I am on my way!" I said and got up from my place.

"Sorry, Aunty! There is an emergency! I have to go!" I said and started walking out but a voice stopped me. His voice stopped me.

"Prisha!" I turned to look at him.

"Let's go together! We will reach quickly in my car!" He said and he's right. A police vehicle has its perks.

I nodded and walked out with him.

We buckled our seat belts and my phone went off. He started driving while I picked up the call and kept it to my ear.

"Prisha, we are on our way to the hospital!" It was Bhayya.

"Okay bhayya but first let's get the arrangements ready!" I said and he immediately joined all the head doctors in the conference.

"How many people are injured?" Bhayya asked.

"Nearly 200!" Aditya answered as the phone was on speaker.

"We don't have that much staff on duty!" One of the doctors spoke.

"Ask all the doctors to join the duty immediately! And ask all the interns to report immediately! If required wake up all the final-year students and take their assistance!" I said, actually ordered.

"I will get the equipment ready! I will call a few other hospitals to send their emergency equipment!" Bhayya said.

"I will call Mamatha ma'am and ask her to join us!" I said. 

"We will get everything ready in the hospital!" One of the doctors spoke.

"Get your teams ready! We have to send a few doctors to the spot too!" Bhayya ordered.

"I will go to the spot Bhayya. I will lead the team there!" I announced.

"Take a few others with you!" Bhayya said.

"Okay, Bhayya! Nimith, Ridhi you along with your interns will join me!" I said to my best friends.

"Okay, Prisha! We are leaving now!" They replied. 

"Can you clear the traffic on that route?" I asked Aditya to which he nodded and took his walkie-talkie.

"Clear all the traffic on the route from the accident spot to Mehra Hospital!" He ordered a couple of roger that is heard.

When we reached the spot it was in chaos.  People are hurt and crying holding their wounded body parts.

"Clear the crowd!" Aditya ordered and soon his officers started the job and placed tapes to prevent people from entering. 

Ambulances reached there along with my best friends and team.

Soon they formed a line and Ridhi handed over the bands to the police, and the team along with the ambulance staff.

"You all know what it means but let me remind you once again. You have to inspect the injured and tie these bands to their hands based on your knowledge. The red band means first-level priority. Immediate treatment is required. The yellow band means second-level priority and the green band means minor injury. And the black... black band means the victim is no more! Get to work now!" I explained them and they spread out.

I checked a few people and tied bands according to my analysis of their situation. 

When I started walking further something held my leg suddenly and it startled me. I looked down and found it was a hand. The person is stuck under the debris. 

"Aditya! Aditya!" I called out.

"What happened Prisha?" He came running towards me.

I showed him the hand and he along with his team removed the debris. By that time the victim is already unconscious. I gave him CPR and once I felt his heartbeat I tied the band to his hand and got up. 

He was taken to hospital.

My leg slipped when I was walking further but a pair of hard muscular arms stopped me from falling. I looked at him and again I was lost in his eyes. I can clearly hear my heartbeat amid all the chaos. But our trance soon broke with Nihal's voice.

"Adi!" He called out walking towards us. Tanu too came with him.

I distanced myself from Aditya seeing Tanu.

We started helping the victims. 

As I passed a few victims I saw Tanu trying to make an unconscious person drink water. My anger rose to its peak looking at that.

I ran towards her neglecting the obstacles that were in my way. I snatched the water bottle away from her.

"What do you think you are doing?" I asked with anger brimming through my tone.

Aditya and Nihal too came thereafter helping the victim they were handling.

"I was just trying to help him!" She said in a duh tone which increased my anger further but I didn't have time to argue with her.

"I want everyone out of this site except the rescue teams and hospital staff!" I  said to no one in particular and walked away. 

We shifted everyone to the hospital and we too went there.

"What's the situation?" I asked as soon as I entered.

"Interns are handling the minor injuries, senior doctors and junior doctors are handling the priority cases. Mamatha Ma'am's team is also here. Advith sir got a few other senior doctors from other branches." One of the junior doctors filled me in.

"Okay! Let's go!" I said and started treating one of the patients. 

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