14. A drive home!

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I woke up with a new determination to catch that murderer. Prishas' words motivated me to focus on the case rather than regretting what happened. She is right, I have to save the people whom he might harm. I have to catch him as soon as possible. 

I took a shower making sure not to wet my bandages and got ready in my uniform. I walked down and to my surprise, she is here in my house.

"Good morning!" She wished me as soon as she noticed me.

"Good morning!" I wished her back. 

"5 minutes! We will have our breakfast," she said while entering the kitchen.  

I too walked into the kitchen as I wanted to have some water. I had my water and we both were about to walk out. But she slipped and I held her by her waist. Her eyes are closed and a frown formed on her forehead. She is clutching my shirt tightly. I blew air on her face due to which she opened her eyes. I am completely lost in her big doe eyes.  Neither she nor I are breaking eye contact. I am feeling my heart beat raising and her cheeks are turning more red with each passing minute. 

Finally, we are brought out of our trance when the toaster made a sound. We both stepped back and went to the dining table. We had our breakfast and she changed the dressing of my hands.

"I'll drop you!"  She said when I was about to take my car keys. I raised my eyebrow in a questioning manner.

"You are hurt and it will pain while driving!" She said looking down.

"Okay!" I said and her eyes lit up. 

"I'll bring my car!" She sprinted out saying this. 

She came back in her car and we went to the police station.

"Your lunch!" She handed me my lunch.

"Thank you! Have a great day!"I wished her getting down.

"You too!" She said and drove off.

I went in with a new determination to catch the culprit.

"Any discoveries?" I asked Nihal who's currently reading a report.

"Not yet!" He let out a frustrated growl.

"Postmortem reports?" I asked hoping I will get some new leads.

"We will get them by noon." He replied.

We decided to analyze the information we already had with us till then.

"Are there any CCTVs installed in that surrounding area?" I asked.

"Yes. There are a few CCTVs installed in the next lane." Nihal replied.

"I want the entire footage of last week and also the details of where she had been in to last few days. Get as much information as you can." I ordered to which all my team nodded.

"You may leave now." I ended the meeting with that.

"Jai Hind sir!" With that, all of them were left to do their duties.

I too started reading all the case files again to get some leads. I read every file carefully but there is no connection between any two victims. Their names, ages, social status, places of death nothing matched. The only connection we found was the doll placed beside their dead bodies.

By afternoon we got the CCTV footage and the postmortem report and started going through them. We observed one person following the girl everywhere. He is hiding his face very well. But we managed to trace his vehicle number in one of the footage.

"Trace that bike!" I ordered Inspector Mathur and he left after saluting.

It's already evening and it's to go home. I packed my files and came out. Then I realized I didn't bring my car and I don't have her number! 

'Why didn't you take her number idiot?' My brain mocked me.

"What if she thought I am a pervert?" I questioned back.

"She won't. She likes you! And you like her too!" My subconscious replied in a duh tone.

"Shut up!" I scolded my inner self.

Then a car halted in front of me. I know it was her car so I got in.

"Can I get your number?" I asked bluntly but bit my tongue when I realized what I asked.

"Of course!" She gave me her number which I saved as Prisha and she too saved my number but god knows with what name.

The music is on by the time I got in and now the song changed to Yeh raaten, yeh Mausam.

The music the weather it's all so romantic and the full moon in the sky is cherry on top! 

She lowered the window glasses letting the fresh wind in. Her hair is falling on her beautiful cheeks and she pushed it back of her ear. Her milky white skin, her pink rosy lips, her big doe eyes, her sharp nose, her every movement when she talks, her hair flowing in the air everything is so intoxicating and I am just losing my sanity here!

After some time we reached home.

"Go freshen up and come, I will prepare dinner!" She said unbuckling her seat belt.

"Okay," I replied getting out of the car.

I went to my home took a relaxing bath and wore a T-shirt and night pants then sat in the living room for some time trying to think about the details I might have missed.

Then I got up and walked to her house. She opened the door after 3 knocks.

"Good that you are here! I was feeling sleepy!" She whined. This girl! Really cute!

"Let's have our dinner then!" I said smiling and we moved to the dining table.

We served our dinner. She cooks really well. 

"How was your day?" she asked having her food.

"Progressive!" I replied. 

We had our dinner and I washed the dishes while she had a call.

Then we sat in the living room talking about some random things and finally, I went back after wishing her good night. 

I have to admit that her presence makes me feel at peace. Her mere presence can make anyone feel better.

Our parents went to Shimla for a vacation and will be back in another 4 days. I spoke with them when I returned home and they are enjoying themselves a lot.  I said good night to them and slept. 

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