19. A Fight

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We managed to bring the victims to the hospital but we lost 10 lives in that accident. Most of my team members left after bringing the victims to the hospital but Prisha and the hospital staff were still busy in the morning treating the victims.

I went home and took a quick shower. Maa prepared breakfast and we had it. Maa wanted to take breakfast for Prisha's family as they were all busy saving people.

I took Maa to the hospital. Aanand uncle and Advith bhai are still in OT while Aunty is looking at the requirements. Prisha is in another OT along with Mamatha Bua. 

Maa first made Ragini Aunty eat some food and sat with her. After some time Prisha and Bua got out from OT removing their gloves.

"Namasthey bhabi!" Bua wished maa.

"Eat something! I bought food for you all!" Maa said patting Bua's cheeks lovingly. Bua and Prisha nodded and went to clean up.

They came out after some time wearing a new pair of clothes. They went to the penthouse that Uncle built for staff to stay in case of emergencies.

"Come have some food!" Maa said they were about to sit but a knock interrupted. 

"Come in!" Prisha answered.

"Ma'am the patient in bed number 34 his condition is deteriorating!" A nurse informed.

Prisha ran out wearing her steth. She didn't have anything since yesterday night.

Finally, she became free by lunchtime and Aanand Uncle and Advith Bhai too came finishing their surgery.

We all had our lunch together in the hospital as I had to collect the statements of the victims.

Tanu walked in during our lunch and I could feel the change in Prisha's mood.

I don't know what Tanu did to make Prisha that angry but it was my first time seeing her that angry.

"What happened Prisha?" Bua asked noticing her.

"Nothing ma'am. " She replied and started having her lunch.

"Prisha, I think you need to apologize to me!" Tanu spoke. And I can see Prisha's anger rising up.

"For what?" Prisha asked tightening her grip on the table.

"For the way you behaved with me yesterday!" She replied looking at her nails.

"You tried to kill that man and want me to apologize for stopping you from doing so?" Prisha got up angrily. It's the first time I have seen her this angry. Everyone else is also looking at her with eyes wide open.

"I did what a normal human does! I tried to help him!" Tanu yelled back.

"No normal human in his senses will make him drink water, Tanu! He was unconscious and injured! He could have died!" Prisha scoffed.

"Stop overreacting Prisha! No one dies because of drinking water! I have seen a lot of movies where they made an injured person drink water!" Tanu spoke but all of us sitting in the room knew she was wrong. She wasn't supposed to give him water.

"You are impossible! He could have died because of your stupid mistake!" Prisha spoke again.

"Stop being over dramatic. He didn't die, did he?" Tanu retorted back making all of us angry.

"You know what it's these people's fault to let you in the first place! I am disappointed in you guys!" Prisha said eyeing me and Nihal and left. 

Maa, Aanand uncle, Advith bhayya, Bhavya, and Ragini Aunty left after her.

"You shouldn't have taken her in when she didn't have any basic knowledge!" Bua said giving a disappointed look to the three of us and left.

"Why are all of them overreacting as if I had killed someone?" Tanu asked looking at us.

"You didn't kill someone but he might have lost his life because of you. Instead of apologizing you were defending your deed! The people here are trying to save lives without taking rest even for a second and you are speaking as if a person's life means nothing to you. And Nihal why did you even bring her with you?" I asked turning to Nihal.

"I am sorry! It was my biggest mistake to give in to her request and bring her there!" Nihal said and we both left from there leaving her alone.

I tried to find Prisha but she was nowhere to be found. Where did she go? 

I bumped into Ridhi who is in a hurry.

"Sorry!" We both said at the same time.

"Prisha?" I asked her hoping she knew where Prisha was.

"Terrace! Take the lift on right!" She said and took off running.

I took the elevator and went to the terrace. There stood Prisha with her hands resting on the railing.

I silently stood beside her.

"I am sorry!" She spoke after some time.

"For what?" I asked her. What is she sorry for?

"For yelling at you and your best friend. I should have controlled myself." She said looking at the sky.

"No Prisha! You were right! And you yelled at her for a reason. She is a brat who only deserves anger. And about me, I too deserved it. I should have sent her out immediately but I didn't. I let her stay!" I said looking at my palms.

"It was not your fault. You didn't send her out because your concentration was on rescuing people." She replied looking at me. Yes, I didn't even notice Tanu until Prisha yelled at her.

"Let's go then!" I said forwarding my hand which she took after some hesitation. This touch made my heart flutter with happiness. 

We both came down and I left for my police station while she got back to her duties.

Tanu barged into my cabin soon after I entered.

"What the hell?" I asked looking at her. Nihal too entered after her.

"Exactly! What the hell?" She yelled at me.

"Watch your tone!" Nihal warned her.

"Achha, did she mind  her tone while yelling at me in front of everyone?" She said looking at Nihal.

"Because it was your mistake, Tanu! And it was you who started it!" Nihal said again.

"What did I do? I just asked her to apologize!" Tanu scoffed.

"Oh, Really? For what should she apologize to you?" Nihal spat back.

"She threw me out of there yesterday!" She spat again.

"You weren't supposed to be there in the first place, and stop this drama!" I replied getting irritated by their bickering.

"Adi I was just..."

"Leave!" I said in a cold tone not wanting to raise my voice at my friend.

"Fine! I will never talk to you both!" She stomped out saying that.

"She's mad!" Nihal exclaimed taking his seat.

We started to discuss our case after that.

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