28. Racing hearts

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"You are looking gorgeous!" He whispered after applying a kohl dot behind my ear. My already quickened heartbeats increased their pace as if my heart wanted to leap out of my chest. My eyelids felt heavy and cast down, not ready to meet his gaze mixed with a lot of emotions that I had only seen for brief moments in the past before he hid them. 

"You... you didn't get ready?" I managed to ask trying to step back but his grip on my wrist tightened as he pulled me closer to him. I stood on my toes as he pulled me closer. Our noses touched as he leaned down to my level. He held my jaw in his hands and tucked a loose strand behind my ear before whispering ever so softly in my ear,

"I am going to, wait for me." 

He left me and left smirking while I placed my hand on my chest trying to calm down and breathe normally. I walked out once I felt normal and bumped into someone as I was lost in my own thoughts.

"Auch! Sorry, Di!" I heard Priyas' voice and turned to look at her rubbing her forehead.

"I am sorry, I was lost in thoughts," I said and she nodded smiling at me. She was wearing a beautiful peach lehenga and silver jewelry. Her hair is neatly braided to the side and a few pearls adorn her locks making them more beautiful. I was wearing a similar lehenga in a light pink color, it had mirror work on it and looked very elegant. Isha got it for me saying it's a gift from her side.  I matched it with beautiful silver jewelry. My hair was left open and I curled it a little making it look bouncy.

"Are you coming to puja?" Priya asked and I nodded smiling at her. We both walked down the stairs adoring the beautiful decorations. It is the coronation tomorrow, Abhinav and Isha are going to perform some special Puja today and they are going to fast till the end of the coronation once the puja is completed. 

I saw Isha talking about something with Nihal and Abir. She smiled once her gaze fell on me. I walked to them and wished them. We engaged ourselves in conversations when Isha said,

"Finally, Aditya Bhayya is here!" She exclaimed and looked behind me. My heartbeats quickened and my throat dried up listening to his name. 

He did not confess to me, but everything changed after he asked for time from me. I know he loves me and this time I am not assuming things, I can see that in his eyes. I have seen it before too but he refused to agree to it. But this time, he is being expressive and I have a hunch that he is going to propose me, soon.

I slowly turned around to look at him. I felt butterflies erupt in my stomach seeing him walking towards us wearing a light pink kurta, his sleeves rolled up till his elbows with his biceps peeking out from the fabric. His hands are Viney, his shoulders broad, and his eight-pack abs hidden behind his loose kurta. He walked closer and stood beside me and I inhaled his manly cologne that made me numb.

"You didn't say how I am looking," I felt him whispering near my ear making my head snap in his direction. He had a naughty smile on his lips while his eyes were fixed on mine looking deep into my eyes.

"You...you are looking good!" I managed to say. Everyone else left us alone and moved in different directions.

What the hell is wrong with me? From when did I start stuttering around him?

"Just good?" He asked in a teasing tone.

"Handsome," I breathed out.

"How much handsome?" He whispered again in a husky voice holding my fisted hand in his and loosening it before intervening our fingers. 

I am going to faint!

"So handsome that I want to keep looking at you and hide you from everyone else," I replied pulling our intervened hands closer.

"Let's do it then," He said looking straight into my eyes while I gave him a confused look.

"Take me away from here, Prisha! I want you all for myself. Even I want to hide you away from everyone. Let's go somewhere where we can be alone." He said pulling me closer by my forearm.

"But where?" I asked lifting my hand to push back the hair that fell on his forehead. 

"Leave that to me, baby!" He whispered in my ear and placed a small kiss there making me shudder. 

"Be ready after puja. We are going out." He said and I nodded numbly still not coming out of shock. 

Did he, did he just kiss me? Why is he driving me crazy?

"Di!" I heard Abhigya and that broke my trance. I looked at her absentmindedly.

"Let's go, the Hawan has started," she said guiding me through the guests and various attendees towards the front where Abhinav and Isha were sitting adding ghee to the holy fire. Abhinav was holding the wooden spatula-type thing with which he was adding ghee to the fire and Isha held his hand.

All the boys settled behind Pandit Jis while the girls sat behind the couple with joined hands. My eyes fell on Aditya and he winked at me once our eyes met making me blush deep red. I took a seat beside Abhigya while Priya sat on the other side. 

The Hawan came to an end in 2 hours with the couple offering purnahuthi to the fire god. Isha asked her Abhishek, Abir, Ishaan, Abhigya, and Priya along with the elders front to take blessings from Pandit Ji and gave them Prashad. Then she asked I and Aditya to take the blessings. I hesitated a little but Aditya walked ahead and I had to follow him. We took blessings and then Isha pulled Nihal to the front and made him touch Pandit Jis' feet making us laugh.

Once, the puja concluded and all the Pandit jis left after Abhinav and Isha served them dinner and gave them their Dakshin. We all had our dinner while Isha chose to serve us while Abhinav and his brothers looked after the arrangements. 

It was nearly 10 when I walked back to my room with Isha. She handed me a paper bag asking me to wear it and get ready. I took the bag and before I could ask or say something she walked away saying,

"Get dressed up quickly, Di. I will send Abhigya to help you." 

What is happening here? 

Is Aditya planning something?

Don't get your hopes high, Prisha! He asked for time, right? Maybe he just wants to take me out and spend some time. But isn't it for the best? I am dying to hear those three words from his mouth, but spending time with him is no less beautiful thing for me. If he wants time, I am going to wait for him my whole life, if he stays beside me.

I love you, Adi!

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