- You on your period -

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- Stan Marsh

He could quickly tell that something was wrong, since you acted different that usual. "Love, is there something wrong?" He finally asked. "Yeah Everything is fine!" You hissed annoyed "Im just on my period!" added. Stan looked at you confused. "Blod is coming out of my Cl*t" you told his kind of annoyed with a smile.

He got really worried and started asking alot of questions, but since you where annoyed he ended up googling it. And after that he never asked or commented on it again.

- Kyle Broflovski

You where crying into Kyle's shoulder, he was hugging you and tried to calm you down. He had absolutely no idea what was wrong. He did not know what to do so he just rubbed your back. "What's wrong?" He asked when it looked like you had calmed down a bit. "I dont know.. i just feel sad" You sobbed. "Sad.. How? Had anything happent?" He asked confused. "My period has happent!" You yelled at him annoyed and sobbed again. Kyle knew what that was so he rubbed your back again and tried to calm you down.

- Clyde Donovan

You stood and yelled at Clyde for some small mistakes he had done, that everyone could have done.. but you had a really bad day so you didn't think of it that way. "WHY CANT YOU JUST THINK STRAIGT LIKE A NORMAL PERSON?!" You yelled at him, without thinking of what you just said. You expected him to yell back at you but.. "WAAAAAAAAAAH!" He started crying. You got quiet, then you sat down next to him, hugged him and started crying with him. "Im sorry, im on my period.." you said to him while you where hugging each other, crying into each other's shoulder.

- Trent Boyett

You sat in the bed. Trent laid down next to you. You sat and stared at him. You said nothing, you just stared into his soul untill he looked at you. "I can feel you staring at me Darling" He said, smirking. "Get. Me. A. Painkiller. Now!" You said commanding, still staring into his soul. "Of course darling". He said and got up, without asking. He could already tell what was wrong..

- Kenny McCormick

From his sister, he knows what a period is and do not dare be near you.. :D

- Eric Cartman

You hung on Eric, not wanting to get off. "Yn.. what the hell is wrong with you? Your more clingy that you used to me" He speaked confuse and a little annoyed. "Im so tired!" You groaned annoyed. "What the hell did you do to get so tired?" "Blood is coming out of my baby-hole" You explained his question. He looked at you shocked. "Should i call the doctor!?" He asked shocked. "Nono its just my period, its fine. Just cuddle me back" you laughed at im a little.

- Pete Thelman

You came home after a long day. Pete was lying on your bed, listening to his music. You barged inside the room. "Turn off that god damit shit music!!" You hissed at him annoyed. He did as you told him and was about to question it. "Get me something to drink!" You commanded. "Get yourself something to drink" he answered back annoyed. You looked at him deathly. "You do as i fucking tell you to when im on my dammit period!!" You yelled at him. Right after you yelled that, he jumped surprised up and did as you told him the rest of your period time.

- Tweek Tweak

Like Stan, he could quickly tell as soon something was wrong. "Sweetheart? GAH! S-something is wrong.. GAH!" "Blood is coming out of my under Life and it hurts like hell" You told him, not thinking of how anyone could miss-understand that. He started panicking like hell and called the doctor. After the doctor explained what you ment, he wouldn't leave you alone and treated you like a princess.

- Craig Tucker

You sat on the bed, watching a movie while eating your third portion of pasta since you got home from school. When you got done with your pasta you looked at Craig. He looked back at you. "can you get me something to eat?" You asked him, he looked at you. "But you litterly ate almost the whole kitchen now, are you on your period or something?" He asked... then you can Denice what happent next :D

- Micheal Rogers 

You laid in your bed, waiting for your boyfriend to come. You had told him he should bring some snacks. Micheal came in to see you lay energy less on you  bed. You looked at him and groaned, "finally!!" You reached out after him "come over here. What did you bring". He sat down next to you. "Are you alright?" "yes-yes im fine now shut up and gimmie!" You said and grabbed his snacks. "Im on my period.." you said some time after. He understood and you cuddled the rest of the day.

- Damien Thorn

"Damien fuck off!" You told him annoyed. "What did i do?" He asked confused and sat up. "Your way too close!" You yelled at him, "but not even near you-" "yes you are! Go out and do the dishes!" You hissed. "Why cant you do it yourself?" he laid back down. "Because im bleeding!" He sat up again quickly "Where!!" He asked worried. "Its my period you dumb-fuck!!" You yelled angrily. "Ohhh" He said while smirking and moved closer to you and hugged you. "You could've just had said so" he said and cuddled you the rest of the week without leaving you alone just once.

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