- You see him cry -

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- Stan Marsh

He was a little embarrass at first, but you calmed him down and you talked about it. After that day he was more comfortable about talking about feelings.

- Kyle Broflovski

Kyle didn't wanted to be seen like that. He thought he was weak. It took some time to talk him to tell you. First he insisted that it was just because he was just because he had yawned. But after some time he got soft and told you what's wrong. Like Stan, after that day he was more comfortable with his feelings around you.

- Clyde Donovan

He cries all the time. You weren't surprised.

- Trent Boyett

He quickly tries to hide it. But you where quick and spotted it. He was like a stone. He was trying all excuses, but you tried everything you could to melt him.. And in the end... it worked, he realized that you where his girlfriend and he where supposed to trust you.

- Kenny McCormick

Kenny actually started crying right in front of you. He was sad that he couldn't protect you. He really wanted to act dangers but he just weren't scary and that made him sad. Your enemies just made fun of him and you where the one to go in killer mode after them and that made him sad. 

"But Kenny their also kinda right at some point". You had told him. When he started crying you had to comfort him.

- Eric Cartman

Eric actually isn't scared of crying in front of you. He doesn't do it often. But your the only one he trusts enough.

- Pete Thelman

When you saw Pete cry, you melted. You thought it was cute. He didn't think it was cute, he tried to change the subject multiple times. 

But you where focusing on his problem. He was very difficult to talk too. He kept insisting that he was OKAY!! But you ended up getting it out of him, and you would then talk about it for long untill you automatically without noticing, change the subject and laugh about something else instead.

- Tweek Tweak

He panics more he cry. And you help him with his mental break downs and his panic attacks. So he doesn't hide it away from you. He trusts you.

- Craig Tucker

He would he scared and you would be surprised. Craig only cries for very serious reasons, so he would have a good reason to explain it to you.

- Micheal Rogers

He would break down completely and start talking down to himself and life. And everything you can do is to change the subject.

Make him think of something else instead and talk about it after.

- Damien Thorn

He would hide under his duvet when he sees you. You would sit on him and ask him what's wrong. First he didn't wanna answer, so you laid down next to him and just cuddled him. He ended up coming out and explained what was wrong and you would cuddle with him to cheer him up. He ended up falling alseep on you.

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