Chapter four

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Percy's letter back came almost immediately.

Annabeth had had no idea how to send hers in the first place, but the second she had finished her letter, Saffi had swooped over and grabbed it in her beak, then flew over to the window and tapped on it until Annabeth opened it for her, and flew out.

Only five minutes later, she was back, with a piece of loose leaf clenched in her talons. Annabeth could see the greek letters bleeding through the back paper in shiny bronze, which Annabeth recognized as Riptide's ink.

Saffi landed on the small table, getting muddy footprints on the surface. Annabeth had no idea how she had gotten muddy, but there it was.

Annabeth grabbed the paper and unrolled it. It was in Percy's messy handwriting, had a few smudged areas, and looked like it was written in a rush.

Dear Annabeth,

You're sure you're okay? We were all really worried when we couldn't find you, and everyone thought Hera tried to kill you, but I knew my Wise Girl is too smart for Queen Cow Poop. Hecate told me where she sent you like an hour after I noticed you were gone. This is just like what Hera did to me and Jason, but thankfully this time we know where you are and you know who you are. I also may have been forbidden from the rest of daily activities because i sassed out Hecate and Chiron was barely able to stop her from turning me into a weasel. Anyway, Hecate said every two weeks where you are is a day here, but you can send me letters whenever you want. But also, why letters?? When did she send you, the 1800s? Also don't kill me for saying this, but don't die. Not that I doubt your ability. I have complete faith in you. But try not to die. I told your dad where you are and he was confused but he took it well. By took it well I mean he didn't collapse into tears on the spot. I think he was more interested in the wizards than the quest. Anyway, everyone else is worried but they know you can do it. No pressure, though. Just get back here in one piece. Seriously, you're the smartest person I know, and that includes your mom. I love you so much.



P.S. your owl tried to kill me. Tell her to back off.

Annabeth laughed. Percy was still her Seaweed Brain.

He had said she could write to him whenever she wanted, but Annabeth wasn't going to do that to him. If she did, his entire day would be consumed by writing letters.

Annabeth settled in, sitting criss crossed on the bench seat. Rummaging through her bag, Annabeth pulled out her sketchbook and flipped to the first page. She wished she had a pen, but apparently that was too advanced for magical wizards.

She started with re-sketching a design she had been working on back home. Her hands traced the lines automatically, the commotion of whatever was happening outside fading to a dim background noise.


It was dark and raining outside when the train slowed to a stop. Annabeth waited until the thundering footsteps receded slightly, then she exited her compartment.

Everyone had changed into their school robes, so Annabeth was glad she had done the same. The narrow hallway was crowded with people, all pushing and shoving. Annabeth followed the flow of students towards the exit and stepped off the train onto a small platform, getting soaked immediately.

"Firs' years! Firs' years follow me!"

A giant man towered over everyone, almost ten feet tall. Annabeth tensed, but this couldn't be a full giant, he was too small. He had tangled black hair and a large beard that hid most of his face, leaving only his beetle black eyes visible. He was wearing a huge coat that looked like it was made out of animal skin.

Annabeth Chase the Triwizard ChampionWhere stories live. Discover now