Chapter Thirty Eight

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Annabeth could barely move when she and Harry hit ground, and she couldn't catch herself as she fell and landed on her side. Her muscles screamed in agony when she tried to use them, even just to flick her wrist. She felt Harry's hand tighten around her arm, and she wondered if he knew how much pain just that small movement was causing her.

There was so much noise everywhere. Voices, footsteps, screams, but Annabeth's view was blocked by the side of Harry's body lying face down next to her.

Someone's hands turned Harry around, shouted his name, and Annabeth tried to shift onto her back to get a better view, but her adrenaline had faded, and all her energy was gone. The only way to avoid the pain was to not move.

And then someone was shouting her name, and someone turned her over and she was staring into Percy's sea green eyes. So much tension melted from her bones that Annabeth actually breathed a sigh of relief despite the pain as Percy gathered her into his arms.

"He's back," she heard Harry whisper next to her. "Voldemort— he's back."

"Are you okay?" Percy asked quietly, his eyes full of concern. "What happened?"

Annabeth tried to push herself up, but at her wince, Percy got her into a sitting position without too much pain.

"They'll need to go to the hospital wing!" Fudge was yelling loudly. "They're ill, injured— Dumbledore, Chase's family, they're here, they're in the stands, they're coming!"

"They're already here!" Percy said, glaring at Fudge.

"I'll take Harry, Dumbledore, I'll take him—"

"No, i would prefer—"

"Harry, stay here—"

Annabeth's mind blocked out the chaos and screams, focusing only on Percy.

"The killing curse," she whispered to him, which was as loud as she could go. "I survived it, and Voldemort's back, and gods, percy, everything hurts—"

"It's okay," Percy said, hugging Annabeth close. "You're going to be okay, Annabeth."

Over Percy's shoulder, Annabeth noticed something: Moody, leading Harry away. Why would he do that? Dumbledore was the most powerful wizard among everyone here— why would Moody remove Harry from Dumbledore's sight? If he was really such a decorated auror veteran, why would he be taking Harry away from all these powerful witches and wizards? Unless he wasn't who he said he was.

"Dumbledore," Annabeth said as loud as she could. Thankfully, it got his attention, and he looked over at her. "Harry, over there, Moody's taking him—"

Dumbledore muttered something under his breath. "Severus, Minerva," he said, "with me. Filius, escort Annabeth to my office immediately."

Annabeth was too tired, but as Percy opened his mouth to protest, Dumbledore continued.

"I am aware that she needs to go to the hospital wing, Mr. Jackson," he said, "but this is of the utmost importance. Go with her, if you wish, but this must happen." With that, he joined McGonagall and Snape and hurried off.

"Come along, Miss Chase," Flitwick said, and Percy helped her up and they followed.


"Where in Hades are they?" Annabeth muttered as Percy paced.

They were in Dumbledore's office now, Annabeth sitting in a chair in front of the desk, Percy pacing back and forth across the floor. Annabeth was exhausted and in pain, and she wanted desperately to go to sleep, but this was important. It had been almost half an hour, Annabeth had recounted everything for Percy, and there was no sign of Harry or Dumbledore. Annabeth leaned her head back on the chair as she watched Percy pace.

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