Chapter Nineteen

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The hallways were a nightmare the next few days. Boys wouldn't stop staring at Annabeth, and though none had asked her yet, she knew it was only a matter of time. She also knew what she would do to anyone who asked.

Classes were so full of excited students that some of the teachers had entirely given up. Instead of learning, everyone was free to discuss the Ball and who they were going to ask and what they were going to wear.

Only a few classes, namely Snape's and McGonagall's, were still teaching. There was only a week left until winter break, which meant homework was being assigned in droves. Annabeth had taken to doing hers alongside Vera, if nothing else to make sure her friend actually did it.

The last week of term passed quickly, but the week before the ball didn't. All anyone would talk about was the Yule Ball.

The castle was being decorated heavily for the holidays, too. Wreaths wrapped around and icicles hung from every banister, ice sculptures dotted the hallways, and the armor in the halls had been enchanted to sing carols every time someone walked by. Twelve pine trees stood around the Great Hall, each decorated with different magical things; glowing holly berries, golden owls that chirped and dropped twigs wrapped in ribbon on Annabeth's plate, and crystalized bubbles that shone the favorite color of whoever was nearest.

Annabeth wasn't planning on asking anyone. She figured, worst come to worst, she would go along and stab anyone Snape chose for her. Writing to Percy was no help, because he said to ask someone just for the ball and it would be fine. Annabeth knew Percy wasn't the jealous type, but she still didn't want to dance with anyone but him.

So Annabeth, who wasn't one to give up, wrote to both Chiron and Hecate, explaining the idea she had and asking them to help out. She got replies almost immediately, both agreeing to the plan.

Now that that dilemma was dealt with, Annabeth went to the library to try and solve another one.

She couldn't figure out what the egg meant, and until she did it would always be in the back of her mind, tugging at her thoughts. She figured the library would have a section of books on various magical creatures, and she was right.

Annabeth was pulling a book off the shelf to read the back of it when a voice called her name.


Hermione was sitting at a nearby table strewn with books. She waved Annabeth over, which is when Annabeth noticed Hermione's deep blush and her eyes shifting to the retreating back of one Viktor Krum.

"Did he ask you?" Annabeth whispered (Madam Pince had ears like a bat), rushing over and sitting down.

"He did!" Hermione whispered back, blushing harder and grinning. "I was thinking it would be someone else, but he's so sweet!"

"Wait a second." Annabeth had just noticed something. "Your teeth are smaller. Smaller than they were before Malfoy's curse."

Hermione grinned harder. "You're the first person to notice! Madam Pomfrey was shrinking them, and she told me to stop when they were back to normal, and I just let her go a bit longer! Isn't it great?"

"Your teeth were fine before," Annabeth said. "But it's amazing what magic can do."

"It is! Speaking of, have you figured out your egg yet?"

"I'm working on it. I don't have it yet, but hopefully it's only a matter of time."

"That's better than Harry," Hermione huffed. "He's refusing to even think about it! He's just got it up in his dorm, ignoring it."

Annabeth furrowed her brow. "Has he opened it?"

"Once. And he's not trying to figure it out!" Hermione shook her head. "Enough about that. Have you been asked to the ball yet?"

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