Chapter Twenty One

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A/N: I am very asexual and really bad at writing romance so sorry if this chapter is bad (I would love to hear feedback and suggestions to help me get better!)

If time chose to freeze at this moment, Annabeth would be fine with it.

She and Percy walked on to the dance floor together. They and the other champion pairs went to the middle, and the music started playing. Percy put a hand on Annabeth's waist, she rested hers on his shoulder, and they joined hands on the other side. Annabeth rested her head against Percy's chest. It had been way too long since they'd been together.

"Annabeth," Percy whispered, pressing his lips against her hair. She could listen to him say her name a thousand times. "I don't know how to waltz."

It was so sudden that Annabeth had to laugh.

"I'll guide you," she said, adjusting her grip on his hand and starting to sway. "Just like at Westover Hall, remember?"

Percy smiled. "Yeah. Just don't wrestle a manticore off a cliff again and we'll be fine."

"No promises," Annabeth said, laughing.

They didn't really waltz so much as sway on the spot, but Annabeth wouldn't have it any other way. The other champions weren't really dancing too much either. Harry and Parvati were holding each other very awkwardly, spinning in slow circles. Neither of them looked very happy. Hermione and Krum were holding each other closer, but not by much. Fleur and her partner were as close as Annabeth and Percy were, Fleur trying to actually waltz and her partner tripping over both their feet.

After a minute or two, the rest of the students came to join. Annabeth saw Freddie lingering near a long table off to the side with empty plates, waiting for them to fill with food. Vera and Daisy weren't waltzing, but it looked like Vera was teaching Daisy how to do Cotton Eye Joe, and they were both jumping around energetically.

After the first song, the music picked up and got faster and more lively, prompting everyone on the dance floor to start jumping around like maniacs. Vera and Daisy found them, Vera with a disgruntled Freddie in tow, and the five of them joined hands and danced around as maniacally as everyone else.

"Come on, Freddie!" Vera yelled over the music, letting go of Daisy's hand to grab both of Freddie's. "Get into it!

Freddie rolled her eyes like she was above dancing around like a crazy person, but she grudgingly joined in, and after a few minutes she was as energetic as the rest of them.

Through the crowd of students, Annabeth saw someone sneak up to the stage where the band was playing and place something under it. She saw their lips move, and instantly the band's music was drowned out as a familiar song started playing over the magically magnified speaker.

A good portion of the kids in the Great Hall started screaming in delight, rushing over to the center.

"Hell fucking yes!" Vera screamed. "Come on, Daisy, I'll teach you the dance!" She grabbed Daisy's hand and rushed to join the swelling mob of muggle borns and half-bloods.

Percy and Annabeth ran to join them, leaving a very confused Freddie behind.

Annabeth couldn't remember the last time she'd heard this song, but no one ever forgets the dance to the cupid shuffle.

The purebloods and most of the half bloods stood at the edges, looking around in confusion like they thought this was some kind of cultish ritual. Honestly, they were right. The people who knew the song danced in almost perfect unison like they all shared a hive mind.

Daisy got the hang of it fast, though she did occasionally bump into Vera. Neither of them seemed to mind that, because they both burst into manic laughter whenever it happened. Some of the purebloods also seemed to be trying to learn the dance, copying everyone else, even if it was a second or two behind. Most of the purebloods just looked confused and in a few cases freaked out.

Annabeth Chase the Triwizard ChampionWhere stories live. Discover now