Chapter Twenty

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Percy lost his breath when he saw her.

He was leaning back on one of the walls of the Entrance Hall, staring at the castle around him and the kids mingling around and glancing at him while they waited for the doors to open. He was wearing a suit that his mom had picked out for him, and he had followed her various instructions on how to tame his hair (it didn't work).

A group of kids ascended from a staircase off to the side, a few arm in arm, some walking alone and looking around the Hall.

And then he saw her.

She was wearing a loose sleeveless white ancient greek style dress that flowed from top to bottom, cinched at the waist with a braided golden belt. A golden bracelet snaked up each of her arms, glinting in the light. Her hair was done up in a curly high ponytail that was pinned down at the bottom, and loose curls at the front framed her face beautifully. She looked like a goddess. He would never say it out loud under pain of death, but in Percy's eyes, she was so much more beautiful than Aphrodite.


"You're going to catch flies," Annabeth said, reaching up and closing Percy's mouth.

"I would gladly catch flies if it meant I could still look at you."

Annabeth laughed, blushing. "Shut up, Seaweed Brain. Nice suit."

"Mom made me," Percy said, adjusting the collar and loosening the tie. "I feel like I'm a spy sent to steal a diamond or something."

"We'll see where the night takes us. There's a trophy room somewhere in the castle."

"Jewel heist?" Percy said, taking Annabeth's hand. "Isn't that important to the school? I don't think we can just—"

"Well hello there."

Annabeth turned to see Vera, holding Daisy's hand and raising an eyebrow.

Daisy was in a poofy, sleeveless, sunshine yellow dress that reached halfway down her calves, with butterflies embroidered around the hem and the neckline. The top was cut like a corset, with thin sleeves tied into bows on her shoulders. Her hair was down, wheat colored curls cascading around her shoulders.

Vera was all dark by comparison. She was wearing men's dress robes ten shades darker than the teal ends of her hair, cinched at the waist and falling to her ankles like an overcoat. Her hair was swept up in an elaborate bun done by Freddie, its natural black in the center and the teal ends circling the edge like an outline.

"So you're the famous Percy," she said. "The boyfriend. I hear you have a talent for blowing things up. Well, i happen to have a few—-"

"Don't make me get the spray bottle, Vera," Daisy said, cutting off her girlfriend. "You have enough detentions already. How about you stop making trouble before your detentions start to run into next year?"

"But that's boring," Vera whined. "I want chaos." She nodded at Percy. "We'll talk later."

"I'll bring her back when she's a little less... explosive." Daisy rolled her eyes despite her smile and led her girlfriend away.

Percy tilted his head in that cute way he always did. "Should I be worried about that?"

"Yes," said Annabeth immediately. "She will come for you in the dead of night."

"Great. Looking forward to it."

The doors to the Great Hall opened, and the Durmstrang students filed in. Viktor was in the lead, with—- Annabeth had to look twice—- Hermione on his arm. She looked amazing. Her hair was tame and silky, pulled back in an upknot that still let her curls tumble free. Her dress was gorgeous, periwinkle blue and off the shoulders with a lacy skirt.

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