(8) Out of it

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I scratched my arm, avoiding any eye contact with Perona. She hummed quietly as she cut her food with her knife, and Vivi quickly finished her veg.

I tried to leave this awkward tension multiple times, but for some reason Luffy was out of it today, so he didn't do what I wanted him to do. I waved my hands in front of his eyes, yet he gave no response.

I grunted, ignoring Luffy and his sleep like state. 

"Did you already eat, Zoro?"             - Vivi

"Ya. I did."                       - Zoro

"Ha. That's what you always say."                       - Perona

I glared at Perona, wanting her to shut up.

"Oh. I see some drama happening."                           - Vivi

I noticed Vivi smirk. I grunted again, crossing my arms and wishing that break would end soon.

"How are you, Zoro. I haven't seen you in ages."                    - Vivi

"I'm ..."                            -Zoro

I accidently looked into Perona's pinkish-red eyes. I gulped. Maybe a bit too loudly.

"... Fine"                      -Zoro

"That's good to hear."                           - Vivi

I felt a large bubble of awkwardness surround us, and I knew it was time for me to go. I wacked Luffy on the head hoping this would wake him up.

"Oi! Wake up! We're going."                      - Zoro

"Huh?"                              -Luffy

I grabbed his collar and pulled him off his chair. 

"Oh, well then. See you around."                            - Vivi

Vivi waved at us, and I quickly waved back. Dragging Luffy as I walked away, I turned around and glanced in the direction of the pink haired girl. She looked out of the window and gently tapped her pale fingers against the table.

I stormed out the cafeteria and marched my way up the stairs.

She seemed to be doing well...

-----a couple minutes later-----

"You're in a bad mood."                            -Sanji

"Shut up, sh*tty cook (kuso kokku)."               -Zoro

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