part 4

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Seoul, city hospital

Heavy sounds of breath and puffs were being heard in the room, the monitor attached to her was showing how fast her heartbeat was as the monitor produce high pitch sound, the standing nurse immediately rush out of the room inorder to inform the doctor, the girl's body move fastly as she was having a bad dream, sweat form on her forehead, lips apart and if listen carefully, some whisper left her mouth......

After atleast one hour, a man of age nearly 45 enters the room, eyes puffy bcz of crying, hairs disheveled and lips trembling,hands shaking as he came forward followed by his husband whose eyes were teary too but trying to prevent the flow of tears

He slowly went near her and stare at her as he said in low voice but audible to his husband

??: Did you heard that joonie? What the doctor said?

Namjoon nodded with teary eyes looking at his daughter

NJ: ofcourse! Jinnie, he said she is recovering which she is gonna wake up soon

Jin nodded his head quickly as he wipes his tears messily. Gulping his sob,jin again said in low voice but eyes never left his daughter

Jin: she is getting beautiful day by day

namjoon smile as his eyes finally leave her daughter and fall on his husband and said in soft voice

NJ: she is always beautiful afterall she got that beauty from you

Jin chuckle and shake his head while saying

Jin: she is more beautiful than me

Namjoon didn't said anything further just make his husband sit on the stool besides her bed as he too sat beside her daughter on the bed

Jin was looking at her as the tears left his eyes remembering the reason of her this condition, those memories still haunt him bad, just as a cry left his lips his husband immediately hug him, he press his head in his chest and cry

Jin: what will I say to her when she will wake up? How will I face her? We are failed joonie! We are failed in protecting our daughter,how will i control her and save her from those memories joonie

He cried so hard well that's what he is doing from last one year, namjoon comfort his husband but his own tears were unstoppable,

Seeing your own daughter laying lifelessly hurt so bad, that pain only those parents know who are going from that situation, their daughter, their one only and own blood had gone through the horrible shit

This is kim namjoon, the buisness tycoon, the number one buisness man of not only one city or two infact he rule the whole South Korea, twenty six years ago,he got married to the model, seokjin as expected if he rule the buisness world then his husband rule the modelling career, both of them were known as the power couple of korea...........


At Choi 's product

Everyone is in rush in the choi's building, there is a chaos going on, as the press conference is going to happen about the new launch of them

Media is already present there, many reporters came there and sat on the their respective seats, there was a stage, where seats were arranged for the CEO and his team and have an led tv behind them

A man wearing black, stern face but still breaking the records of handsomeness he possessed, enter the room of the CEO, the nervous CEO look at the man and immediately said more like shout

Hang soo (CEO): ohh god taehyung u came finally , u know I am sooo nervous, I don't know if I will be able to do it nicely or what if I messed up

Th: (calm voice) don't worry sir nothing is gonna happen,just be confident and moreover I will be there to backup you if things goes wrong

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