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parker's pov:
i wake up with arms around me. what the fuck? who slept with me?!?! i jerk my head off of the random persons chest to see the most beautiful sleeper i've ever seen. malachi. i lay there and admire his facial structure and all of the little details i've never noticed before. the way the light coming in from my blinds hits his beautiful face and the way his hair falls lazily on his forehead. just everything about him is perfect.. i hadn't realized i was staring till he spoke up.

malachi- you know princess it's not nice to stare.

i feel my face heat up and i shove my head back into his chest

me- not funny.. but like god! holy..

it came out a bit muffled due to my head being on his chest and he was wearing a shirt.

malachi- it's alright no need to be embarrassed. i woke up at like 3 am and stared at you for awhile but not in a creepy way! it's just the way the moonlight hit your face was perfect. i wish i got a photo

me- awe malachi! that's the nicest thing i've ever heard!

malachi- well since it's...

malachi grabs his phone and looks at the time

malachi- 8:27 i want to be the first person to tell you.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

me- awe malachi thank you!

i snuggle into him farther if that's even possible. he tightens his grip around my waist and i smile

malachi- what are we doing today?

me- well i plan on having breakfast, getting ready, watching a movie maybe, going to the skatepark, and than i have no clue after that.

malachi- well how about we get some breakfast then i'll go home and after i can meet you at the skatepark how's that sound?

me- hmm let me think... it sounds perfect!

malachi- alright well what's for breakfast?

me- i think i have an idea..

i hop off malachi and race out the door. malachi chases after me as we run down the stairs and past all the dogs. i beat malachi into the dining room.


malachi- you cheated!

me- did not!

malachi- did to!

my mom then walks in with a plate full of chocolate chip pancakes with hash browns and strawberries!

mom- good morning mija! good morning malachi

me- morning mami!

malachi- morning flor!

mom- happy birthday mija! i love you happy 15th!

me- awee mami!

mom then got super close to my ear and whispered

mom- so i checked my instagram when i woke up to post you and apparently at 3am a little birdie already posted you

me- oh really

she only nodded back which made malachi grow suspicious and give me a confused look

me- don't worry

just then dad walked into the dining room and smiled at all of us. well as in all of us i mean me and mom. he HATED the fact that mom said malachi could stay over and even hates it more that i like malachi still and he knows what happened at the froyo place...

he was her skater boy and she was his skater girl Where stories live. Discover now