Chapter 2

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Elyse stood on the ship's top deck, watching the land as it passed. She was in her neighborhood, and the ship was about to cruise past the Coast Guard Station. It would make a change to see it from a ship leaving port than from the ground of the station or in the air as she flew past as she usually would.

Elyse had her phone ready to go as they grew closer. A photo from the deck might be fun to share with her co-workers. She could rub it in that she was on vacation and they were working, although, to be fair, she wished she was working. After such a ridiculous thought, she quickly concluded that she had forgotten how to relax and take time for herself, which was evident when one considered that between the intensity of flying, the responsibilities of being a preacher's fiancé, and helping take care of her nephews, she had very little time to herself.

Elyse noticed the helicopters were on the landing pad with their rotors going. There were three, and they were most likely doing a drill, but she didn't know for sure since she wasn't there. She quickly texted her work group chat to let them know she was on the ship and could see them.

"It's an amazing site, isn't it?" a man said as he sidled up to her side at the railing.

Elyse gave a smile without commenting. She didn't want to be rude, but she also didn't want to engage the man in conversation. She didn't like his vibe. He was tall, well-built, and dark. She supposed some would call him handsome, but how he looked at her while slowly creeping into her personal space was overwhelming.

Her phone dinged, and she stepped away from him to check it, hoping he would get the hint.

"We're taking off in a minute, and we'll fly over!" Steven, a fellow pilot, texted back.

"Are you on the top deck?" Adam, a rescue diver, asked.

"I am, aft," she confirmed.

The man had moved back into her space. "Are you texting your husband?" he asked, his gaze more intimidating than before.

"Yes," she said, hoping he would get the hint.

"Where is he?" his gaze followed her hair to where it covered her shoulders before moving toward her chest.

"He's around." Elyse stepped away from him again, but she was running out of railing space with the stairs on her right. Still, he followed.

Elyse opened her mouth to tell him off when someone coming up the stairs caught her attention. It was the Mad Scientist.

He looked at her and at the man breathing down her neck, then offered her a bottle of water as if he had gone to get it for her.

"Have the helicopters taken off yet?" he asked, his eyes raking over the man with an unfriendly and arrogant look.

"They're about to," Elyse responded before they both turned to look at the man. He looked between them as if he suspected they were pulling a fast one on him but then turned and left since he couldn't prove it.

Mad Scientist walked further along the deck and away from the stairs without another word, and Elyse hung back awkwardly, waiting, but waiting for what she wasn't sure.

She saw the helicopters lifting off, and realizing she still had the water in her hand, she walked over to him and returned it.

"Thanks for the save," she smiled.

He looked at her as he took the water, letting his gaze scan her face again before nodding and returning his gaze to the helicopters as they slowly lifted into the air.

Elyse loved what she did. She loved watching it from every angle and couldn't contain the grin that lit her face as her gaze tracked the machines as they neared the vessel. When they were as close as they dared come, she lifted her camera and took a photo of Adam, who was sitting at the opened door, taking a photo of her.

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