Chapter 6

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Elyse and Gene spent the next few days floating around the cruise ship together.  They worked out in the morning, played bingo and read in the afternoon, lounged around the pool people watching, and attended several classes such as line dancing and towel animal folding. They also had every meal together, and she learned that Gene would try anything once and wasn't a picky eater. At night they ate in the dining room with Gandis standing guard and shooting looks at anyone else who might approach. Elyse almost believed that he was Gene's henchman.

They had spent the day in Antigua, and Elyse had loved it. It had an old-world charm because it hadn't been developed as much as some of the other islands. Gene had revealed that one of his favorite subjects was pirates and that Antigua had been their unofficial capital for a short time. Elyse had been transfixed by his voice and how he told the stories.  She could listen to him talk for hours.

They stumbled onto a church with open windows that looked out to sea and caught the ocean breezes. It was one of the most peaceful and beautiful places she had ever been, and Gene was patient as she wandered in and sat, saying a few prayers, some of which involved her new budding friendship with Gene.

After briefly studying the cemetery and the grave markers, they wandered back onto the ship and separated until dinner. Elyse sat on her balcony and watched the ship pull up anchor and leave Antigua behind. She vowed to return one day for a longer stay. She even wondered if it would be possible to get married in the church and if her future husband, whoever he might be, would be up for it.

If it were Gene, he would be game, but he might insist it be pirate themed. She could see her sister and parents in the pirate getup, and her nephews would love wearing eye patches. Elyse couldn't help it when her mind wandered to Gene and what he would look like as a rakish pirate. He definitely had the facial hair for it. She paused mid-thought, her eyes growing wide in shock.

She had never imagined what her wedding with Gary would be like, they had never gotten that far, and here she was, picturing Gene as her groom. What did that mean? Elyse refused to think any deeper about it. He was fun, and it was fun to be silly with him and think silly thoughts about him. It was nothing more than that.

But as she dressed for dinner, she couldn't deny that her heart was beating a little faster, and her cheeks were flushed at the idea of seeing him again.

Gene was already waiting for her in the dining room, and Gandis was standing guard, moving to hold her chair out and fill her glass with water as soon as she was seated.

"Thank you, Gandis." She smiled at him as he finished pouring.

"You're welcome, Mary." He returned her smile.

"You don't smile at me like that." Gene frowned as Gandis walked away, and he returned to his seat. He had stood when she had arrived.

"Are you jealous?" Elyse quirked an eyebrow.

"Yes," he admitted with a grin. "Although I got to spend the day with you, Gandis didn't."

"No, he didn't. I enjoyed it, by the way." Elyse took a piece of bread and buttered it as she did every night.

"Enjoyed what?" Gene asked with a look of confusion. "Gandis holding out your chair?"

"No, spending the day with you. I especially enjoyed your wonderful tales of pirates. You have a very expressive voice. Have you ever thought about narrating audiobooks?" she asked.

At his continued silence, she looked up to find him watching her with an odd expression.

"Do I have something in my hair?' she asked, patting it to ensure it was all in place.

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