Chapter 21

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Elyse followed Sawyer to the dining room and took the seat he led her to at the table. He sat at the head, with his mother on the opposite end and Elyse to his left, while Melanie grabbed the seat on his right. Sullivan and Phee sat across from Elyse, with Phee next to Melanie and Sullivan next to his mother. Shay sat to Elyse's right, and there was a vacant seat to Reyna's left.

Elyse wondered about Pops, but she quickly had her answer as he began to serve the meal. It was surreal for Elyse to be served dinner by Carson Richards.

The conversation was mainly about Africa and the plans for the first few months, and Elyse had to admit that it sounded exciting and challenging, but she was unsure that she was the right person for the job.  While she was good at what she did, she wasn't trained in the logistics of moving supplies from one country to another. She imagined that it wouldn't be easy to tackle between customs and taxes.

Reyna told her that she would give her the names of some helpful people who supported their cause so that Elyse could get the answers to her many questions.

About halfway through the meal, the doorbell rang, and a few moments later, Carson appeared in the doorway to the dining room.

"A Miss Paloma Clark to see you, Mr. Sawyer," Carson said with a bow.

"Oh, I am sorry. I didn't know I would be interrupting dinner?" Paloma said with a warm smile that was returned by everyone present.

"Have a seat, Paloma. Are you hungry?" Reyna greeted her as if it was her house. There was an obvious affection between the women.

"Thank you, no, but I will sit if no one minds." She sat next to Shay and looked around the table.

"What brings you by, Paloma?" Phee finally asked after an awkward moment.

"I need a white knight. My date stood me up tonight, and I can't go solo since I'm the guest of honor. I was hoping Sawyer was free. I know it's last minute and terribly presumptuous of me to ask, but I couldn't think of anyone else." Paloma grinned.

Elyse couldn't help but think that she looked stunning in her gold gown, and if she were a man, she would jump at the chance to take her to a party.

"Sorry, Paloma. I can't tonight. I have plans. What about Sullivan?" Sawyer said as he took a bite of his food and looked at his brother.

Sullivan tensed and shot Sawyer a perturbed look.

"It's all right, Sullivan. If Paloma needs help, maybe you should go," Phee offered with a smile for Paloma.

Elyse was floored that she would let Sullivan go with Paloma, knowing their history.

"No, I don't want to repeat what happened last year all over again, Phee. You've been through enough. Sorry, Paloma." Sullivan shook his head.

"What about Pops? He's already dressed for it." Shay suggested.

There was silence as everyone looked to Reyna for her thoughts on the matter.

"He does have to do what I tell him since he is my butler." Sawyer leaned back in his chair with a grin. "Richards!" he called.

Pops was in the room immediately as if he had been listening outside the door.

"Miss Clark needs a date to a party. I wish for you to take her if Momma doesn't object." Sawyer nodded to his mother.

"I don't object," Reyna said with a smile. "It will give me a few hours off and him a night out."

"Paloma?" Sawyer asked, looking at the grin that was covering her face.

"You know this will blow up in everyone's face, right?" Sullivan asked, looking at them all like they were mad.  "Paloma will be made to look like she's after all three of us, just like Phee was, and I don't really want to be accused of sharing my woman again."

"She's not your woman, brother, so why would it matter." Sawyer shrugged.

"And you, do you want to look as if you share?" Sullivan asked Sawyer with a direct look.

"I don't share, ever," Sawyer said in a low voice as he looked at Elyse, "but she's not my woman either and those who know me know that. It's Paloma and Momma that's taking the biggest risk."

Elyse was fascinated.  No one had these problems, and the way Sawyer had just looked at her and all but said he wouldn't share her made her toes curl.

"This is a stupid idea," Sullivan said, crossing his arms.

"Momma?" Sawyer asked.

Reyna smiled. "Paloma's no competition for me. Everyone knows I own your father. It's a Richards family trait. They give all the power to the women they fall in love with. Besides, it will be great for your father's ego."

They all looked at Pops, who looked flushed with excitement at the idea of going out in what he considered character. He probably already had the entire back story mapped out in his head.

"See, he's already eating it up," Reyna said with an amused smile. "Would you like to go to the party with Paloma, dear?" she asked.

"Only if my love doesn't mind," he agreed as a look passed between Reyna and Carson that was full of sparks.

"Ewww, gross," Shay said, reaching for her wine as she let a shudder of disgust move down her spine.

Elyse thought it electric, and she hoped she was still as much in love when she was Carson and Reyna's age.

"Paloma?" Sawyer asked, watching her mischievous smile.

"Oh, I would love it," she laughed, a deep throaty laugh that was super sexy, and Pops flushed cheeks deepened in color. "I would love to be considered a man-eater, and one couldn't do better than the Richards men," she purred.

Elyse knew why every man who saw Paloma's movies was in love with her. She didn't even have to try to be sexy. It's just who she was.

"That's settled then. Richards, you will take Miss Clark to her party, but I demand that you return no later than 1 AM," Sawyer ordered. "Momma, you shouldn't be having an affair with the hired help. I am a bit disappointed in you."

Reyna stood and walked toward Carson, running her hands up his suit jacket as she looked him in the eye. "I expect you home on time, my love." Then she kissed him, and Carson pulled her close and kissed her back. Elyse couldn't help the sigh that escaped at the romantic vibes zinging between them.

"It looks like Pops-"

"Don't!" Shay cut Sawyer off by holding up her hand. "Please, just stop!"

"Either way, Momma won the bet and got Pops to break character," Sullivan noted as he picked up his fork and began eating again. "I would also like to point out that the shit will hit the fan next time you take Paloma to an event."

Elyse tensed as she heard the words. She tried not to let it bother her that Sawyer would take Paloma to a public engagement that would get them more press time together, but once again she couldn't hope to compete with Paloma.

Elyse watched as Sawyer and Paloma shared a look, and Paloma gave him a quick nod with a serious look before she stood and allowed her grin to return.

"Come along, my white knight," Paloma said, taking Pop's extended arm and allowing him to lead her from the room.

"This family is crazy," Shay shook her head and took another sip of wine.

Elyse had to admit that it wasn't normal for a woman to give her husband permission to go out on a date with one of the most beautiful women in the country, if not the world.

"Are you worried about what your Nate will think?" Sawyer teased.

"Sooo much," Shay agreed with a nod as she grew dreamy at what Elyse guessed was the thought of her Nate.

"If he loves you, it will be fine, dear," Reyna said as she stood. "I'm going to bed. I will see you all in the morning."

"It's time we go as well," Sullivan said, standing.

Elyse watched the others make their excuses and leave so that only she and Sawyer were left at the table.

"I think we've been had," Sawyer said, throwing his napkin on the table among the dirty dishes. "How do you feel about helping with the dishes?"

"Sure,"Elyse agreed. She was all in if it gave her a little more time with Sawyer.

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