Chapter 5

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Elyse woke before sunrise and put on her running clothes. She had heard that there was a track on the top deck, and she planned to use it. Elyse reached the top and inhaled the chilly October sea air. It was mid-hurricane season for the Atlantic and an iffy time to take a cruise, but even though the sky was still dim, the day looked as if it would be a beautiful one.

Her mind wandered back to the day before and how everything could seem different after one chance meeting. After the show, she and Gene had gone out for coffee and people-watched, creating a world around them full of interesting people. They had both agreed that their created world was much better than the truth, and It was well after midnight when Elyse had said goodnight and headed to her cabin. She was relieved when Gene didn't try to escort her there.

She rested her elbows on the railing and watched the water churning below her. The only sound was the waves roaring as the ship pushed through them. It was unbelievably peaceful and one of those moments you wish to live in forever. As the sun crested the horizon and the water changed from inky black to cobalt blue, Elyse started her stretches and let the worrisome thoughts she had been blocking about home filter back into her head.

She would have to start going back to church again when she got home. Everyone understood why she wasn't going, but they wouldn't for much longer. Her family had always been very active in the church, and the family attended together every week. To keep missing services wasn't an option, and she didn't want to make them all change churches because she was uncomfortable. The first few weeks would be horribly awkward, but everyone would forget.

Perhaps she should request a transfer to another Coast Guard Station. It might be nice to make a change and meet some new people. Granted, she wasn't a people person, which was why being engaged to Gary had been so difficult, but she was good in one-on-one situations.

Elyse's mind wandered to Gene. What would her family think if she brought him home? She smiled at the thought. She could come home from a cruise with a man in tow. The rumor was that Gary had already moved on to another girlfriend, but he at least had the decency to play it low-key. To waltz into Sunday service with a new man on her arm would do her hurt pride a world of good.

On that positive thought, Elyse started to run, letting the scenario play out in her head along with all the things she would say as she introduced Gene to Gary. She was to the point of having Gene give Gary a haughty look when she rounded the corner and saw the man uppermost in her thoughts in the exercise room lifting weights. He was shirtless, and Elyse's eyes bugged out of her head as she saw the abs on him. She hadn't imagined them when she had sat on his lap the night before. Gene was ripped.

He looked up and saw her, then smiled. At least, she thought it was a smile. It was hard to tell with all that facial hair. Elyse gave a little wave and kept going, falling back into her daydream, only now it involved a shirtless Gene as he saved a drowning child at a church picnic. Elyse was careful not to envision any particular child for fear of reaping bad luck on her head, but she did envision his rock-hard abs as the water cascaded down them. 

"I didn't know you were a runner?" Gene said as he caught up to her.

She felt blood rush to her cheeks at his sudden appearance next to her. "Yep, it helps me keep up with the kids in my class." Elyse looked over her shoulder and was disappointed to note that he had put a shirt on. It must have shown on her face.

"What was that look for?" he asked, easily keeping up with her fast pace.

"You ruined my daydream," she focused on the track in front of her and not him or his arms, which were also very muscular.

"Did I? I'm sorry, what was it about?" Their feet were keeping the same rhythm.

"You were helping me get back at my former fiancé by saving a child from drowning, and you may or may not have been shirtless in my daydream," Elyse admitted. It was nice not to hide her weird thoughts, and sharing them with Gene seemed natural.

Next to Me (Triplets book 3)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora