Chapter 19

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Elyse had her orders and didn't know why or how things had changed for her. Her commanding officer had pulled her into his office two days previous and told her she was being transferred to New York temporarily. It had caught Elyse by surprise, and she wondered for a brief moment if it was the answer to the prayer she had prayed six months before at her sister's house.

Elyse also couldn't help but think that she was going to be in Sawyer's city and wondered if there was a chance that she was going to see him again before she left. It was only a temporary posting, but amazing things could happen in a short time. Her feelings for Sawyer proved that.

She had arrived at the New York station the previous evening and was told by her new commanding officer to report to this house at this specific address and time and to dress in civilian clothing because she had a meeting with Reyna Richards.

She had to hide her surprise at the news, knowing that it meant that the likelihood that she would get to see Sawyer soon had dramatically increased. Granted, it was probably only Reyna wanting to thank her again, even though it did seem odd that it was only her, not the entire crew. If she really did only want to thank her once again, wouldn't she have invited the entire crew?

The house she now stood before looked like every other brownstone in New York, and Elyse rang the doorbell and waited. When the door opened, she recognized Ophelia Carter, and focusing on her breathing; she stated her purpose. "I'm here to meet Reyna Richards?" Elyse did her best to present a calm and professional appearance.

Phee held open the door and invited Elyse in with a warm. "You're Lieutenant Elyse Moore, aren't you?" Phee greeted.

"Yes," Elyse responded as she stepped past Phee and looked around the house, taking stock of her surroundings, noting that Sawyer's sister, Shayne Richards, was standing directly behind Phee, looking confused by Elyse's sudden appearance. At least that was something that she and the girl had in common.

"Shay, this is the pilot that saved your mother. She's with the Coast Guard." Phee explained as she closed the door.

Elyse watched Phee closely. Perhaps if she remembered her, then a thank you was the reason she was here after all.

"Come in. We were having tea in the kitchen." Phee led the way to the back of the house.

"I don't mean to be rude," Elyse said, shaking her head at the offer of tea, "but why am I here?" Elyse couldn't take wondering anymore, and since Phee knew who she was already, a direct approach might be the quickest way out of this situation because Elyse had just had a worrying thought.

What if Sawyer suddenly appeared and thought Elyse was here because of him, that she had manipulated this meeting? With the way he had left her last time, she didn't doubt that she wouldn't be very welcome.

Phee looked at her watch. "I should really let Reyna explain. She should be here soon."

An uncomfortable silence descended as the three women stood looking at one another, and Elyse did her best not to fidget.

"Why is everyone always at my house?" Sawyer's very grumpy voice said from behind the three women, all of whom turned at the same time to look at him. Elyse bit her lip to contain her cry at his sudden appearance. His voice was so familiar, and he looked so strong and handsome, and she noted the moment he realized it was her because his look of annoyance changed to shock, before all expression left his face, and the muscle in his jaw started twitching.

"Because you have the best one," Phee said calmly, seemingly unaware of the sudden undercurrent in the room, but Shay read it as she looked from her brother's sudden shuttered expression to Elyse's tense one.

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