1 | Onto the Battlefield

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High in the sky, the moon shone blood red. It reflected the world below, where a war was currently raging on the border between the Xia and Dai clans. Battle cries erupted as both sides met with significant force. The sound of killing and the flashes of blades rattled the heavens and earth.

Three days and nights had passed since the war started. Dead bodies were piling, but neither clans conceded defeat. The Xia clan was determined to conquer, whereas the Dai clan was resolute in protecting their land.

And Luwen, an orphan from the Xia clan, was forced to take part in the war.

Since young, she was only taught to hunt and kill demons, not humans, but they deployed her to fight for her clan; to kill their enemies and conquer their land.

However, those people were victims too. They sought to safeguard their people from the war she loathed, and for this reason alone, she found herself unable to deliver a killing blow.

Right now, running and hiding seemed like her only way to survive.

She fought her way back to the rear, but found no protection from the enemies in the forest. Because the wretched uniform she was wearing bore the emblem of the Xia clan, they attacked her.

Her heart thundered away, her anxiety intensifying. With her sword, she deflected their attacks, elbowed an enemy in the face, and slipped through an opening.

The matriarch of her clan started this war for territorial gain, even if it meant forcing her own people against their will. Escaping was punishable by death. Except for a few, such as Luwen, the clansmen were loyal to the matriarch and her beliefs. If they knew she wanted to escape, they would drag her back—dead or alive.

She gripped her sword hilt tightly, knowing she was nearing her stamina limit from the long battle. If she didn't leave soon, she was going to die.

The memory of those who died in wars tended to fade away. The ones who survived, especially those at the top, would glory in their victory.

Luwen didn't wish to be a lost soul wandering in the underworld. She wanted to live. She was determined to escape this situation, even if it meant disobeying orders.

Stay alive. These were her parents' last words before they passed on.

And she would.

She kept running.

Behind her, heavy steps plowed their way through. Large wolves, conjured by fire magic, leaped through the air and set nearby trees ablaze. Smoke weaved between the trees, stinging her eyes and blurring her vision. Baring their teeth, the wolves caught her fleeing comrades, and they fell one at a time, screaming in pain.

"Fire Wolves! The Fire Wolves are here!"

Soon, it became clear the tide in this battle had turned. The Xia clan lost more people as the Dai clan gained the advantage.

Whoever summoned the Fire Wolves held formidable powers. Someone whom they were unaware of and kept in the shadows.

Luwen was a fast runner. She was ahead of the magical beasts, pushing her legs to go faster. The dying screams from her comrades echoed through the forest and terror pulsed through her veins.

Suddenly, a volley of arrows sailed past her, cutting her from her escape path and stopping her from advancing forward. Someone hastily slammed into her back and ran over her, their foot stepping on her left hand. She hissed in pain as they fled while leaving her behind.

Get up, Luwen. Move.

She struggled to her feet, picking up her discarded sword, but low growls coming close behind her made her stop dead in her movements.

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